How to CC in Gmail: Complete Guide for Emailing

How to CC in Gmail: Complete Guide for Emailing

Email, as we know it today, has its foundation in systems built decades ago and has stayed remarkably consistent over the years. Many terms we encounter in digital communication, such as “CC in Gmail”, have roots in traditional paper-based correspondence.  If by any chance you saw the CC field while composing an email, you might…

Best “Is vs Are” Uses and Meaning

Best “Is vs Are” Uses and Meaning

Introduction Have you ever stopped mid-sentence, wondering whether it’s “is” vs “are”? You’re not alone—this tiny grammar detail trips up even the most confident writers. The difference might seem simple (singular vs. plural, right?), but throw in collective nouns, tricky phrases, or casual conversations, and things can get confusing fast. Here’s the good news: mastering…

How to End a Letter Appropriately: Sign Off the Right Way

How to End a Letter Appropriately: Sign Off the Right Way

Understanding how to end a letter appropriately will make a big difference in whether or not you get a response. Think of it this way. If you sign off in an impolite, offensive, or inappropriate way, do you think the letter’s recipient will get back to you? Probably not. Therefore, learning the simple conventions and…

Follow Our Letter of Interest Templates for Impressive Jobseeking Results

Follow Our Letter of Interest Templates for Impressive Jobseeking Results

Our letter of interest template will help you achieve impressive job-seeking results. Though we appreciate that reaching out to a company to look for employment is daunting, it’s a crucial step. Most job postings receive hundreds of applicants, with only a handful of candidates taken to the interview stage. When you take the initiative and…

Roofs or Rooves: Which Is Best?

Roofs or Rooves: Which Is Best?

With both trying to pluralize “roof”, only one is correct in today’s modern English. Which begs the question, is it roofs or rooves? Definition of Roofs and Rooves To answer the earlier question, spoiler alert—it’s roofs. A roof is that trusty structure on top of your house (or car) that keeps you dry when it rains. And roofs is…

Best Ways to Use Baptised or Baptized

Best Ways to Use Baptised or Baptized

Ever paused mid-sentence and wondered, “Is it baptised or baptized?” Don’t worry—you’re not alone! These two words may look different, but they share the exact same meaning. The choice between them depends entirely on which side of the Atlantic you’re on. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about baptised vs. baptized. First time exploring…