How To Cite An Essay – Tips And Examples For Accurate Citations

How To Cite An Essay – Tips And Examples For Accurate Citations

Did you know that 40% of students struggle with citing sources correctly? If you’ve ever wondered how to cite an essay, you’re definitely not alone. Proper citation not only helps you give credit where it’s due but also protects you from the dreaded plagiarism accusations.  Whether you’re tackling your first essay or you’ve written dozens,…

How to Write a Bibliography in MLA, APA, and Chicago Styles

How to Write a Bibliography in MLA, APA, and Chicago Styles

Focusing on how to write a bibliography can take much of the stress out of academic writing. Referencing and citing your work correctly is fundamental, and making bibliographic mistakes will affect your grades. Though writing a bibliography can be time consuming, we want to show you how to do this effortlessly. We present the different…

How to Start a Persuasive Essay That Convinces the Reader

How to Start a Persuasive Essay That Convinces the Reader

Discovering how to start a persuasive essay will stand you in good stead throughout your academic career. After all, this is one of the most common types of essays, alongside narrative and expository essays. However, beginning an essay is far from straightforward. What do you need to know about a persuasive essay? How should it…

How to Cite a Newspaper Article? APA, MLA, & Chicago

How to Cite a Newspaper Article? APA, MLA, & Chicago

Newspaper articles are an invaluable source of information, providing you with insights on current topics and events. It’s a good idea to cite them in your academic work to strengthen your arguments and enhance the credibility of your research paper. However, now you must be wondering how to cite a newspaper article in your work….

How to Cite a Journal Article? MLA, APA, & Chicago Examples

How to Cite a Journal Article? MLA, APA, & Chicago Examples

Journal article citations are typically used in science and social sciences but aren’t just limited to them. The purpose of these references is to inform readers that you have carried out deep research on the given topic and don’t shy away from backing your arguments with credible sources. However, you may wonder how to cite…