120 Best Persuasive Speech Topics (+Handbook)

120 Best Persuasive Speech Topics (+Handbook)

Finding a Persuasive Speech Topic is of utmost importance for your speech. A great speech topic serves as the final addition to the entire presentation. However, as we all know, “Everything is hard in the beginning.” Fortunately, Arvin has summarized the Persuasive Speech Topics for you and provided in-depth insights and suggestions.

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How to Find a Good Speech Topics?

Before leading you into the field of finding Persuasive Speech Topics, we have to discuss the core question about What is a Good Persuasive Speech.

A good persuasive speech is a powerful tool that captivates, informs, and motivates an audience to act or change their perspective. It combines compelling evidence, emotional appeal, and logical arguments to sway listeners on a specific topic. The most effective persuasive speeches address relevant, timely issues that resonate with the audience’s interests and concerns. They present a clear, well-structured argument supported by credible sources and vivid examples. Successful speakers also anticipate potential counterarguments and address them proactively. By employing rhetorical devices, maintaining a confident delivery, and establishing a strong connection with the audience, good persuasive speech can leave a lasting impact and inspire real change.

In-Depth Persuasive Speech Topics

Persuasive speech possesses the ability to inspire, provide information, and exert influence. The subsequent list of comprehensive persuasive speech topics presents a wide array of concepts that are both stimulating and captivating. Regardless of whether your goal is to change the opinions of an audience, increase awareness regarding significant matters, or spark passionate debates, these topics furnish a stable basis for creating a persuasive and compelling speech.

Technology Topics

  • Should technology enterprises regulate the advancement of AI systems and automation with the aim of safeguarding human jobs?
  • Ought we impose limits on the screen time of children?
  • Is it morally correct for AI models such as Dall-E to train themselves using artists’ work without obtaining the artists’ consent?
  • Should the government control the utilization of personal drones?
  • Is mass surveillance morally acceptable? Does its threat to civil liberties overshadow its advantages?
  • Are virtual reality experiences a valuable educational means?
  • Do the beneficial impacts of powerful AI systems outweigh the potential risks?
  • Do voice assistants like Siri and Alexa encroach upon individuals’ privacy?
  • Are cell phone bans in the classroom effective in enhancing student learning?
  • Does the application of facial recognition technology in public infringe upon individuals’ privacy?
  • Should we permit students to employ ChatGPT and other AI tools for completing writing assignments?
  • Should we permit students to employ ChatGPT and other AI tools for completing writing assignments?
  • Who bears the responsibility for accidents resulting from self-driving cars: the driver or the car company?

Economy Topics

  • Should the minimum wage be abolished? What are the reasons for and against it?
  • Is it morally acceptable for companies to employ unpaid internships as a labor source?
  • Does the gig economy bring benefits or disadvantages to workers?
  • Is capitalism the most optimal economic system?
  • Is it ethical for companies to utilize sweatshops in developing nations?
  • Should the government offer free healthcare to all citizens?
  • Should the government regulate the prices of pharmaceutical drugs?
  • Should the government implement a universal basic income?
  • Must we make customers tip a certain minimum amount to ensure food service workers can earn a living wage?
  • Should employers consider an individual’s tattoos or personal appearance during the hiring process?
  • Should we grant US workers more vacation time?
  • Is big game hunting advantageous for local communities?

Education Topics

  • Would trade schools and alternative vocational training prove more beneficial for a larger number of students compared to traditional higher education institutions?
  • Should colleges incorporate standardized testing within their admissions procedures?
  • Does compelling students to recite the Pledge constitute a violation of their right to freedom of speech?
  • Should school districts provide bilingual education programs for non-native language speakers?
  • Should schools eliminate their physical education obligations?
  • Should schools integrate a remote learning option within their educational curriculum?
  • Should we permit school libraries to prohibit certain books?
  • Should we eliminate historical figures who owned slaves from school textbooks and other educational resources?
  • Should we have classrooms with mixed ability levels or separate students based on their capabilities?
  • Should we permit grading based on a curve?
  • Should we regard graphic novels as literature?
  • Should we oblige all students to take financial literacy classes prior to graduation?

Short Persuasive Speech Topics

Now, in addition to the in-depth persuasive speech topics, we present a collection of short persuasive speech topics for those moments when you need to make a quick yet powerful impact. These topics are concise and focused, perfect for delivering a persuasive message in a limited time frame. Whether it’s a classroom presentation, a short debate, or a brief public address, these topics will help you engage your audience and get your point across effectively.

Diversity Speech Topics

  • What makes a hero?
  • Are we headed toward World War 3?
  • Did humans really land on the moon?
  • Are serial killers born or made?
  • Can good and evil be separated neatly?
  • Is canceling culture a positive or negative thing?
  • Can money buy happiness?
  • How to become a millionaire
  • How to become more confident
  • How to live to be 100
  • How to survive an apocalypse
  • Do extraterrestrial beings exist?
  • Why students should start investing at 16
  • The true history of… (event of your choice, such as the Chernobyl disaster, the Black Plague, Salem Witch Trials, etc.)

Literature and Movies

  • Should offensive lingo be scrubbed from classic literary tomes?
  • Should we still peruse classic literature ?
  • Can a flick convince you with something you don’t buy into?
  • Does making flicks and documentaries about criminals glorify them and egg some on to become criminals themselves?
  • Ought there to be a demarcation between ‘high’ and ‘low’ literature?
  • Are libraries going the way of the dodo?
  • Do romantic flicks and books glorify an unworldly notion of love and lead to heartache?
  • Books are the sole source of learning.
  • Who is a hero? What are the “heroic” traits?
  • Living underwater: A fact or science fantasy?

Motivation and Self-Growth

  • The significance of possessing a positive frame of mind for achieving excellence in the classroom.
  • To be victorious, you must adhere to the rules and norms.
  • Survival strategies in the times of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Efficient listening is of greater importance than speaking.
  • The value of continuous professional self-enhancement.
  • Striking a balance between social life and studies.
  • The underestimated art of patience and silent observation.
  • Personal experiences are more precious than the knowledge obtained at school.
  • Having fun in life is more significant than working.
  • Encouraging and presenting to children charitable deeds they can imitate.

Best Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas

Ethics and Moral Dilemmas

  • Should laws and morals always be in alignment?
  • Is political lobbying moral and ethical? 
  • Is testing products on animals unethical?
  • Should people be allowed to sell their kidneys?
  • Should capital punishment exist as a form of justice?
  • Should people have the right to euthanasia? 
  • Is selecting for or against certain traits in embryos genetic engineering?
  • Should governments be allowed to use torture in the name of national security?
  • How should AI and robotic systems be used in warfare?
  • What moral obligations do humans have towards animals and pets?
  • What types of performance-enhancing treatments are ethical in sports?
  • How should self-driving cars approach situations like the “trolley problem”?
  • Are parents allowed to make decisions in the best interest of their children?
  • Should prostitution be legal?

Politics and Government

  • Are politicians getting too old to be effective?
  • Should we institute a mandatory military service or civil service program?
  • Is there too much spending on the military?
  • What is the best system of modern government?
  • Should there always be term limits on elected officials? 
  • How should we control the influence of money in politics?
  • Should voting be mandatory?
  • Should political campaigns be funded by the state?
  • Do independent political candidates improve elections?
  • How should we change our national immigration policies?
  • How should public officials be held accountable for their actions?
  • Should social media platforms be allowed to take sides in politics?
  • Should our country be more focused on self-sufficiency or globalization?
  • Are state-sponsored assassinations acceptable for national security?
  • Should prisoners have the right to vote?

Mental Health

  • Can money buy happiness?
  • Is the journey or the destination more important in being happy?
  • What are the best ways to pursue happiness?
  • Are older people happier?
  • Is happiness a better measure of a country’s success than economic output?
  • Would teaching children mindfulness and mediation make them happier?
  • Is volunteering one of the best ways to be happy?
  • Does more choice lead to better decisions?
  • Would getting rid of technology make people happier?
  • is it more important to be happy or to feel satisfied?

Music and Rhythm

  • Art and music are as significant as science and math.
  • Are music clips suitable for kids to watch?
  • Health insurance should cover music therapy.
  • Why should you master playing at least one musical instrument?
  • Why should music education be provided in schools?
  • How can fine music make you healthier?
  • The significance of music in our community.
  • Why should music be free?
  • Using music as a means for social change and promotion.
  • The significance of supporting local music and independent artists for cultural diversity.

How to Prepare Your Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. Research:
    Preparing effective persuasive speech topics is crucial for delivering a compelling argument. Start by brainstorming issues that ignite your passion and resonate with your audience. Research current events, social trends, and controversial debates to find relevant subjects.
  2. Specification:
    Once you’ve selected a topic, narrow it down to a specific angle or thesis statement. Conduct thorough research using credible sources to gather supporting evidence, statistics, and expert opinions. Consider your audience’s demographics, interests, and potential objections to tailor your approach. Organize your main points logically, creating a clear structure with a strong introduction, body, and conclusion. Craft emotional appeals and use rhetorical devices to enhance your persuasive power.
  3. Practice:
    Finally, practice your speech regularly, refining your delivery and timing to maximize impact. By following these steps, you’ll develop persuasive speech topics that captivate your audience and effectively convey your message.


Mastering the art of selecting and developing persuasive speech topics is essential for any aspiring public speaker or debater. By choosing relevant, timely issues that resonate with your audience, conducting thorough research, and structuring your arguments effectively, you can create powerful persuasive speeches that leave a lasting impact.

The key to a successful persuasive speech lies not only in the topic itself but also in your preparation, delivery, and ability to connect with your listeners. Whether you’re addressing a classroom, boardroom, or large audience, these strategies will help you craft compelling arguments that inspire action and change minds.

For more personalized and eye-catching ideas, Arvin is here to assist you in crafting a unique and uplifting message. Give Arvin a chance to create something inspiring.


How do I choose a persuasive topic?

For a persuasive speech to be captivating and effective, there has to be a distinct opposing side. To facilitate the determination of the controversial nature of your topic, pose the following question to yourself: “In the event that I presented my perspective on this topic to a group of colleagues, would anyone hold a dissenting opinion from mine?”

What is a good start for a persuasive speech?

Commence your persuasive discourse with a forceful introduction, seizing the attention of your audience. This could be emotive, startling, or comical – provided that it is potent. Once you have captured your audience’s attention, you ought to lucidly introduce the subject matter of your speech.

What is the most powerful speech ever?

Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech is considered one of the greatest speeches in American history and was indeed a battering ram for change. A Baptist minister and staunch social activist, King was the face of the American civil rights movement during the 1950s and 60s.

Is persuasive speech hard?

Persuasive speaking can provide opportunities to advocate for important community solutions. But persuasion is really difficult, and there are often barriers to effectively persuading our audience to change their beliefs or act in a new way. Persuasion is hard because we have a bias against change.

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