38 Birthday Party Ideas for Teens

38 Birthday Party Ideas for Teens: Fun Meets Future

Birthday parties serve as an ideal occasion to honor the remarkable contributions and achievements of someone as they transition to the next chapter of their life. With this in mind, this blog has meticulously compiled a list of the top 38 birthday party ideas for teens to assist you in organizing a memorable and enjoyable celebration for your loved sons or daughters.

Our collection is brimming with the ideal ideas to ensure your event is flawlessly executed. Should you require additional inspiration, don’t hesitate to reach out to Arvin! Arvin is committed to delivering exceptional service tailored to your every need.

Where to take a teen for his/her birthday?

Going to see a play or musical is a great birthday party idea for teens if you live within driving distance of a nice theater. Your teen girl and her friends can get dressed up and watch a live show. After the play, you can take all the girls out for a fancy dinner.

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Creative Birthday Party Ideas for Teens

1. Snapchat scavenger hunt

Snapchat can really transform a typical scavenger hunt into something super cool. Imagine this: instead of just checking things off a list, you capture and share moments instantly. It’s all about snapping photos or videos of the items you find.

2. Graffiti “wall art”

Set up a large canvas outside in a mess-friendly spot (don’t worry – cleanup is easy). Supply paints and big brushes or spray paint (or both). Spread out a large tarp or old sheet underneath to make cleanup a snap. Invite friends to leave their creative mark on the wall throughout the event.

3. Virtual concert

Bring the concert to your home if you can’t attend a live concert. Stream your teen’s favorite band performance, concert, or music festival, and rock out in your living room. Offer concert swag for party favors, like T-shirts, hats, or posters. 

4. DIY photo booth

Set up a backdrop with props and let everyone take fun photos to remember the party. The secret sauce is the props. The more, the funnier, the better.

5. Outdoor movie night

Set up a projector and screen in your backyard, grab some snacks, and enjoy a movie under the stars. Just add lawn chairs, blankets, and bug spray.

6. Themed scavenger hunt

Create a list of items for guests to find around the neighborhood or at a local mall. You could even personalize it by “planting” a few funny party gifts or prizes along the way. 

7. Karaoke party

Rent a karaoke machine or use a karaoke app and have a singing competition with friends. Have everyone dress up like their favorite celebrity or artist for some creative courage! 

8. Mystery dinner party

Plan a menu with mysterious-sounding dishes and have your guests try to guess what they’re eating. This is especially fun around Halloween. The grosser the better! 

9. Throw a Dinner or Mocktail Party

Throwing a dinner party with all your teen’s favorite foods is a personal way to celebrate. They could also fancy things up by including some mocktails. 

10. Video game tournament

Set up different gaming stations and have kids compete against each other in their favorite video games. Add themed snacks and prizes.

11. Cooking or baking competition

Split into teams and see who can create the most delicious dish or dessert with a set of mystery ingredients.

12. Outdoor adventure

Plan a parent-supervised day of hiking, biking, or any outdoor activity your teen and their friends enjoy. Choose a location that ends with a cool spot to stop and celebrate with an impromptu picnic. Pack their bags with special treats and drinks to say happy birthday on the fly!

13. Birthday Party Ideas for Teens: Escape room

If your teen loves a cool challenge, escape rooms are a great way to get everyone engaged and involved – without screens. Book an appropriately themed escape room for their age and watch the problem-solving skills fly.

14. Pool party

If it’s warm enough, throw a pool party packed with water games and activities like water volleyball, balloon toss contests, or floating board races. Parents: Hire a professional lifeguard so you can enjoy the party, too! 

15. Crafty DIY night

If your teen enjoys making stuff, throw a DIY party stocked with all the ingredients for their favorite craft, from homemade slime and decorations to tie-dye shirts or friendship bracelets.

16. DIY pizza party

Set up a pizza bar with different toppings and let your guests make their own personalized pizzas.

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Popular Birthday Party Ideas for Teens

17. Plan a Murder Mystery

Whether you hire a company or purchase a mystery in a box, murder mysteries are a thrilling way to throw a teen party. Party guests can wear costumes, they rent out an old school house to act as the mansion and the whole family gets in on the fun. 

18. Enjoy a Night Under the Stars

The beauty of a campout is that it can happen inside or outside, making it the perfect party idea no matter the weather or time of year. If your teen has a winter birthday, grab some sleeping bags and some camping gear and set up shop in a basement or living room. 

19. Birthday Party Ideas for Teens: Book a Hotel Trip

An overnight stay at a local hotel, or one located in the nearest cool city, is a fun way for teens to celebrate. They can bring along a friend or two, order room service, and check out any interesting attractions. 

20. Plan a Game Night

“Game Night” can mean many things, from firing up the video game consoles like Xbox, Nintendo Switch or PlayStation and letting your teen and their friends dance, or rock out with Just Dance or Guitar Hero to providing a nostalgic return to your childhood with board games. Classics like Clue, Monopoly, The Game of Life and Twister will become instant favorites.

21. Plan a Day at the Spa

What teen doesn’t want to pamper themselves with a day of luxury? Make a day of it with lunch at a restaurant, and be sure to include your teen’s closest pals so they can enjoy being pampered too. The best part is you can get in on the festivities as well, sneaking in some much-needed and deserved self-care.

22. Rent Out the Movie Theater

Treat your teen and a group of their closest friends to a night of comedy, drama or horror at a private screening. Depending on the film, they can even wear costumes to dress like their favorite characters in the genre they choose. You can also allow them to pick their snacks and drinks. Many theaters provide party packs filled with popcorn, candy and other delicious delights from the concession stand.

23. Have an Old-fashioned Sleepover

Nothing says old-school birthday celebration like a sleepover. Stock up on your teen’s favorite snacks and drinks and designate a spot for kids to lay out their sleeping bags. Sleepover activities can include practicing favorite TikTok dances, playing board games and watching horror movies. Make sure to have yummy breakfast options in the morning. A waffle bar is just the thing for ravenous teens.

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Cool Birthday Party Ideas for Teens

24. Jump at a Trampoline Park

Filled with trampolines and a million options for jumping, trampoline parks promise an action-packed birthday adventure. Often these parks also have rooms to eat a birthday meal and host your teen’s closest friends. Many also offer additional attractions like mini golf, bumper cars, obstacle courses, laser tag and climbing walls.

25. Load up the Car and Head to the Drive-In

For the teen cinephile, who also loves being outside, the drive-in promises to be the perfect birthday experience. It is also one of the most budget-friendly options on the list. Many drive-ins price per car load. While drive-ins have waned in popularity, there are still several hundred operating in the United States, and many of them still do double features.

26. Visit a Museum

Depending on which region of the country you’re from, a museum party may be the perfect thing. From history to clothing to art to witches, museums offer something to appeal to every interest. Book a docent-led tour, or hand out blank paper and colored pencils and have guests sketch their favorites. Many museums also have places to eat and gift shops where your guests can purchase souvenirs. Several museums also rent out spaces to have birthday cake and open presents.

27. Build the Party Around a Theme

Is your teen obsessed with a television show or movie? Create a party using that as the jumping-off point for the theme, then go wild! Decor and costumes can all be added to make the experience more authentic.

28. Channel Picasso with a Paint Party

Some paint studios will bring the party to a specific location like a park or home, while others offer a studio space to rent. They also provide supplies including paint and canvas, and some will even have an instructor to lead a group through a painting. One of the coolest things about this type of birthday is the built-in party favor: Each guest will be the proud owner of a new masterpiece they’ve created.

29. Amusement Park

Give your teen and all their friends a BIG thrill by springing for a day at an amusement park. Whether you do it as a day trip or an overnight, amusement parks often offer more than just rides. With fun places to eat that offer snacks from cotton candy to candy apples and entertainment in the form of shows and music, your teen will find plenty of interesting things to do with their friends.

30. Go on a Scavenger Hunt at the Mall

Malls remain one of the major hang-out spots for teens so there is no better place to throw a birthday party. Mall scavenger hunts are a fun way to test their knowledge of one of their favorite places. Whether you do an informational scavenger hunt consisting of facts about the mall, or an item-based scavenger hunt that challenges teens to take pics of products from A to Z, or any other hunt theme you can think of, teams can band together to be the first to complete the tasks and win a prize. End the day with a meal at the mall food court and pictures in the photo booth.

31. S’Mores and Hot Cocoa Bonfire Party

The great thing about teen birthday parties is that they don’t have to be perfect to be amazing. A simple, yet fun idea for guys or girls is a s’mores and hot cocoa backyard party. It’s not too stuffy or over the top (since some teens like to keep it low-key).

Special Birthday Party Ideas for Teens

32. Go to a Concert

Do you and your teen jam out to a band or artist in the car? Are your teen’s walls and playlists filled with a favorite singer and their music? Then scoring a few tickets to a concert may be the best idea for a birthday party. Remember to bring money for a souvenir or two so your teen can remember the night forever. If you don’t break the bank with the cost of tickets, it may be fun to get dinner before or after the show.

33. Have a Cake Decorating Party

This is another great way to send kids home with a party favor — their very own cake or cupcake. Buy baking supplies, designate a judge (which could be the birthday guest of honor) and let them create spectacular cake designs.

34. Book an Escape Room

Escape rooms allow teens to work together to solve puzzles and find clues to make their escape within a set amount of time. These immersive entertainment adventures have become wildly popular over the past several years, even spawning a horror movie franchise. 

35. Ride in Style

Another sophisticated birthday party option is to rent a party bus or limo to drive your teen and all their closest friends around. While stops aren’t necessary, they can be fun. Let them drop by the local Starbucks, a fast food restaurant or, if the weather is nice, a park or beach. Stock their ride with your teen’s favorite beverages, snack foods, and a playlist filled with their favorite songs.

36. Chocolate Fondue Party

If you’re looking for a fun, inexpensive, festive birthday party that just about any teen would flip over, have a chocolate fondue party! The beauty of this party is that you can have it in the morning (think birthday brunch), the afternoon, or on a Friday or Saturday night – either way, teens will love it!

37. Girls’ Night Glamping

There’s camping, but then there’s glamping… which is the glamorous side of camping! What we love about this idea is that you can make it as casual and low-key (and inexpensive) as you like or you can go all out and make it really unique. 

38. Sports-Themed Party

If your son or daughter is a sports enthusiast, consider hosting a party centered around the sport they love! Whether they’re into basketball, football, soccer, or cheerleading, the cool thing about this idea is that it can easily be modified depending on their sport. 


Whether you’re organizing a birthday par for yourself or someone dear to you, the suggestions featured in this guide are designed to create a lasting memory. Begin your journey to planning an unforgettable birthday party. This celebration is more than just acknowledging the passage of time; it’s about welcoming a new decade with zest, appreciation, and a strong sense of self.

Should you require further creative input or a diverse array of party concepts, feel free to seek assistance from Arvin! Arvin is adept at crafting personalized plans that cater specifically to your unique requirements.


How do I make my birthday party not boring?

Choose a Creative Theme. A well-thought-out theme can set the tone for your party and make it more engaging.
Plan Interactive Activities.
Hire Live Entertainment.
Make It a Foam Party.
Offer a Variety of Food and Drinks.

How do you celebrate my birthday with a low budget?

You could get away with just desserts and punch at a nighttime party. And borrow plates, cups, utensils and serving platters from friends instead of buying them. Also, forgo the elaborate cake from the expensive bakery and make your own cake or cupcakes. Ask relatives for donations to the party fund instead of gifts.

How much do people spend on birthday parties for teens?

Economical parties are normally $5,000 or less, but more lavish parties can range from $10,000 to $25,000. Here is a list of the things you should consider and their avenge cost. Depending on the state, a typical sweet 16 party with 4 hours of photography coverage costs between $1200 and $1500.

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