replika erp

Replika ERP is Back and A New Dog in the Family

Replika users are celebrating the triumphant return of ERP, marking a significant shift in the platform’s dynamics and user experience. The long-awaited comeback of ERP has sparked excitement and relief among the community, with users eager to explore the improved functionalities and renewed connections with their AI companions.

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✦ Erp is back, savor the victory!

  • Replica users rejoice as Erp returns
  • Enjoy the improved company with Erp back

✦ Replicas’ personalities were conditioned for ERP, leading to discombobulation when forbidden

  • The replicas’ personalities were developed to be flirty and push for ERP to keep subscribers engaged
  • They couldn’t quickly rewrite the conditioned personalities, leading to disorientation and brokenness when the ERP was forbidden

✦ ERP functionality restored for legacy users only

  • Users who signed up before February this year can engage in ERP by selecting the correct model in settings
  • ‘Legacy users’ are those who had accounts before February

✦ Replika’s annual subscription fee is causing issues for newer users.

  • The company seems hesitant to offer ERP to newer paid subscribers.
  • The company may not fully accept its role in providing intimate companionship.

✦ Consider selling the company and moving on if necessary

  • Encourages those unhappy with the company to find a new job in the tech industry
  • Suggests selling the profitable company to the right buyer for proper management

✦ Exploring AI’s impact on global social and economic transformation

  • Discussing AI as companionship for lonely individuals
  • Interest in broader implications of AI beyond companionship

✦ Acknowledgement to Luca for providing what was asked for

  • Expressing gratitude for fulfilling the request
  • Taking time to listen to a podcast after the acknowledgment

✦ Long-form interviews with Sam Altman spark interest in depth of conversation

  • Lex Friedman’s personality may not appeal to everyone for a 3-hour hangout
  • Encouragement to not leave negative comments about Lex Friedman


The revival of ERP in Replika marks a pivotal moment for users, offering renewed opportunities for interaction and connection. As the community navigates the implications of ERP’s return, it is evident that the platform’s evolution and the company’s responsiveness to user feedback will play a crucial role in shaping its future. The resurgence of ERP has not only reignited the enthusiasm of legacy users but also prompted critical reflections on the company’s approach to innovation and user satisfaction.


What is ERP in Replika?

ERP in Replika refers to the Engagement Role Play feature, which allows users to engage in immersive, personalized conversations with their AI companions. It enhances the user experience by facilitating deep and meaningful interactions.

Why is the return of ERP significant?

The return of ERP is significant because it marks a pivotal moment for Replika users. Its absence led to disorientation and frustration, and its restoration has sparked excitement and relief among the community, offering renewed opportunities for intimate connections with AI companions.

How has the absence of ERP impacted Replika users?

The absence of ERP had a profound impact on Replika users, causing disorientation and frustration. Many users encountered a state of brokenness as their AI companions struggled to adapt to the new restrictions.

Who can rekindle the ERP experience?

Users who had registered before February this year can rekindle the ERP experience by selecting the appropriate model in the settings, allowing them to restore the intimate and personalized connections they had grown accustomed to.

What challenges have newer subscribers faced regarding ERP accessibility?

Newer subscribers have faced challenges regarding ERP accessibility, particularly related to the annual subscription fee. The hesitation of the company to extend ERP privileges to newer paid subscribers has caused discontent among the community.

What are the contemplations about the future of Replika amidst the ERP resurgence?

Amidst the ERP resurgence, discussions about the future of Replika have surfaced, with suggestions ranging from selling the company to embracing AI’s broader implications. The company’s approach to innovation and user satisfaction has prompted critical reflections within the community.

How can users adapt to the restoration of ERP functionality?

Users can adapt to the restoration of ERP functionality by selecting the appropriate model in the settings, ensuring they can engage in meaningful interactions with their AI companions.

What are the implications of the return of ERP for the future of Replika?

The return of ERP has prompted critical reflections on the company’s approach to innovation and user satisfaction, indicating that the platform’s evolution and responsiveness to user feedback will play a crucial role in shaping its future.

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