144 Best Pokemon Pick Up Lines in 2024
Gotta capture them all? Do the boys or gals you like like these cute little Pokemon creatures? Use Pokemon pick up lines to flirt with them and start a discussion. Please remember that some of these are clean, while others may be unclean. Enjoy and hope you can “catch” the guy or girl’s heart with this cheesy Pokemon theme pick up lines.

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Pokemon Pick Up Lines Lyrics
- How about you drop that towel so I can take a Pikachu.
- Just like Bulbasaur, you’ll always be my number 1.
- Can I call you Cinderella? Because I’d be happy to be your Prince Charmander!
- How about we make like Charmander and set your bed on fire tonight.
- Hey sweet thang, can I watch your Squirtle squirt.
- Hey Chokorita, wanna play with my Pokeflute?
- Can I fertilize you with my sunken?
- My Exeggcute is pretty weak. Let’s battle so they can get some experience.
- Wanna watch my EKANS evolve?
- I made you some MOO-MOO MILK, but I forgot to use my Milktank.
- I wanna Munchlax your Cloyster.
- I’m a real Machamp if you know what I mean.
- How about you use REST, so I can sleep with you.
- Kiss me when I am wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
- Charmander is red and Squirtle is blue but out of all 151, I’d still choose you.
- If I had a master ball, I’d use it on you.
- Hey girl, you put the cool in Tentacool.
- Unlike Magikarp, I bet something happens when you use Splash.
- I wish I was seeking, so I could Horn drill you.
- If you play your Pokémon cards right, I can make your Bulbasaur tonight.
- If I were a Clairefairy, I will double-slap that ass.
- My Pokédex appears to be broken, can I closely examine you myself?
- Is that a Ditto in your pocket? Cause I can see myself in your pants.
Pokemon Pick Up Lines Reddit
- Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket, or are you just excited to see me?
- There are a lot of Magikarp in the sea but I’m looking for a Gyarados like you.
- Just like Umbreon, I evolve at night too.
- I don’t care if you are offering or wheezing, you’re my kind of poison.
- If you’re Snorlax, can you make an Earthquake in my bed?
- Hey baby, are you a Pokémon I got an opening on my team and you are just my type.
- I’m going to give you an Everstone because I want you to stay just the way you are.
- If I were a Clefairy, I would double-slap that ass.
- Are you a Pokemon? Because I would like to catch you with my balls.
- Want to register your number in my PokeNav?
- Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- I’d like to ride you like a HORSEA.
- When I look at you, my Metapod can’t get any harder.
- You remind me of Pokemon, I just want to Pikachu.
- Hey girl are you into Pokemon I’d like to skwortle on dim jigglelypuffs.
- Do you wanna play my Poke Flute?
- Can I Squirtle on your Jiggleypuffs?
- My Pokédex appears to be broken, can I closely examine you myself.
- I know you are not a poke stop, but I’d still spin you around and tap that.
- Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by with my incense again?
- I won’t need a lucky egg to get lucky tonight.
- Hey girl, can I hatch an egg in your cage of origin.
- Ohhh, you are so hot, I think I’m gonna need a burn heal.

Cute Pokemon Pick Up Lines
- You are such a great catch, I think I’m going to use my only Master ball on you.
- What do I have to do to get you to show me your secret base?
- If I were a Pidgeotto, I would just your pants right off.
- Let’s make a super rod and hook up.
- Girl, you are a good catch. I think I might have to use my only master ball on you.
- Are you a fire-type Pokémon because you are pretty hot.
- Girl, are you a Pokémon cause I would love to throw my balls at you.
- “BUTTERFREE” up your schedule cause imma “BEEDRILLING” you all night.
- Hey girl with the Jiggypuffs, let me take a Pikachu.
- Do you wanna see what’s in my ball bag?
- Do you wanna see my POLI-WAG?
- Like an Umbreon, I also evolve at night.
- Can I fertilize you with my sunken?
- How would you like me to use my Onix to BIND you to my bed?
- I’d like to Squirtle in your jiggly puff.
- Girl, you must have used a tail whip because your booty is leaving me defenseless.
- My Exeggcute is very weak. Battle to gain experience.
- Let’s go make Mewtwo for the two of us.
- Would you like to play my “Pokemon Fue”?
- Good thing we are not electrodes because tonight, we might cause an explosion.
- Aye girl, if I were a Nidoking, you’d be my Nidoqueen.
- Are you from the Hoenn region, you are the only HO I see.
- I think I need a paralyze heal because you are stunning.
Pokemon Pick Up Lines Tinder
- I like to Pikachu when you’re naked!
- There are a lot of Magicarp in the sea, but I’m looking for a Gyarados.
- You’re such a good catch, I think I’ll use my only MASTER BALL on you.
- I wish you were on the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
- Do you wanna battle? ‘Cuz my balls are at the ready!
- Groudon is red, and Kyogre is blue, if you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
- Will you use ROCK POLISH on my Pokeballs?
- Hey girl, lemme see them Jigglypuffs.
- My love for you burns like a Charizard’s tail.
- Why don’t you and I go back to my gym and have a naked battle?
- You’ll need a HYPERPOTION by the time I’m done with you.
- You’ve got the lips of a Jynx!
- You are Starmie and I am Staryu because we belong together.
- How about you come and see my safari zone.
- Aipom’s pretty good with his hands, and so am I.
- I’d POUND you with my Piplup.
- I’m not gonna Raichu a love song.
- Do you want to Lickilick my muddy stick?
- I want to apply sweet honey to your fortress.
- If I’m Pigeon, I can take off your pants with “Kazeokoshi”.
- Do you want to see my Poliwag?
- Like Blackie, I evolve at night.
- If you compare yourself to Pokemon, it’s a squirtle. Because it gets me wet!
- Can I fingerbang you, with my Bulbasaur?
- If I were a Nidoking, you would be my Nidoqueen.
- Aye, baby are you a flareon? because you’re a sexy fox If I were a Milktank, I’d use ATTRACT on you.

Pokemon Pick Up Lines Eevee
- Do you squirt or just hydro pump.
- It’s a good thing I am a Pokemon trainer so I can handle your Jigglypuffs.
- I am like a slowpoke to your cloister.
- Why are your Poke balls sagging in your Poke sack?
- What is your number? So I can register you as a Pokemon trainer duh.
- If I was Nidoking you be my Nido *****.
- Do you like Pokeballs? Because you’re about to get really close to mine.
- How about you rest, so I can sleep with you.
- You must swim around Cinnabar Island because you are the “MISSINGNO” to my heart.
- Are you Pikachu because you electrify me?
- You don’t have to ring the bell. If our eyes meet, I’ll come.
- Was Charmander your starter? Because you are a blazing inferno.
- I’d use rock climb in your forest.
- Your smile is stronger than a Hyperbeam.
- Will you use rock polish on my Poke balls?
- Hey girl you make my caterpie go metapod.
- I don’t need my Poke-Dex to find YOUR Ghastly.
- Yo, I got some legendary Pokemon. Do you want to touch my Pokeballs to see how legendary they are?
- Hey, you want to see my bell sprout.
- Those are some nice hoot hoots you got there.
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