190+ Newlywed Game Questions to Spice Up Your Night!

190+ Newlywed Game Questions to Spice Up Your Night!

Perfect for newlywed couples, these newlywed game questions are designed to spark lively dialogues. With over 190 newlywed game questions at your disposal, they’re ideal for intimate celebrations, parties, or casual get-togethers. Prepare for an enjoyable time and start asking!

Searching for the right queries to spice up your game night, break the ice, or simply spark a chat? Arvin‘s got you covered! As an AI assistant, Arvin is your go-to for crafting questions tailored to any scenario. Give Arvin a try today!

Funny Newlywed Game Questions

  • Who is the tidiest?
  • Who is the funniest?
  • Who is their celebrity crush?
  • Which one of you is the better driver?
  • Who does most of the cooking?
  • Who is the best cook?
  • Who does the most cleaning?
  • What’s your spouse’s favorite TV show?
  • What’s their favorite movie?
  • What would be your spouse’s ideal date night?
  • What is their pet name for you?
  • What was the first movie you saw together?
  • What’s their favorite band and/or artist?
  • Do you have a song, and if so, what is it?
  • Which celebrity couple are you most like?
  • What is your partner’s silliest fear?
  • What is their favorite junk food?
  • Which ice cream flavor do they love the most?
  • What is their favorite candy bar?
  • Name the best gift they ever gave you. 

Cute Newlywed Game Questions

  • If your spouse was a Disney character, who would they be?
  • What is their star sign?
  • How does your spouse like their steak cooked?
  • How many cousins do they have?
  • How often do you go on dates together?
  • What was the name of your spouse’s first pet?
  • If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy together?
  • Name your spouse’s favorite restaurant. 
  • If your spouse had a superpower, what would it be?
  • What would they say is your best feature?
  • What is your spouse’s best feature?
  • What is your spouse’s dream job?
  • Who has the worst handwriting?
  • Which one of you would win at Trivial Pursuit? 
  • How does your partner like their eggs in the morning?
  • Who is more adventurous?
  • Who is more honest?
  • Which of you finishes your meals first?
  • Who would win in an eating contest?
  • What color are your spouse’s eyes?
  • What was their first job?
  • Who is the better listener? 
  • Who is more emotional? 
  • What is your spouse’s favorite color?
  • What was the last date you went on?
  • If your spouse needed a lift at 3 a.m., who would they call?
  • What high school did your spouse go to?
  • Who would play your spouse in a movie?
  • What is your spouse’s favorite book?
  • If your spouse were an animal, which would it be?
  • What’s your spouse’s best personality trait?
  • How many children does your spouse want?
  • What’s your spouse’s worst habit?
  • What’s their hidden talent?
  • How does your partner take their tea or coffee?
  • What is your spouse’s ideal vacation?
  • If money were no object, where would you live?

Interesting Game Questions for Couples

  • Who has the most exes?
  • Who would you say is the better catch?
  • How would they spend the day in an empty house?
  • Who has worse handwriting?
  • Who is most likely to steal food from your plate?
  • Who takes a longer shower?
  • Who is most likely to get lost?
  • Who hogs the covers more?
  • What is one thing they’d most likely end up in jail for?
  • What is one thing they’d most likely go viral for?
  • What is their guilty pleasure?
  • What was your worst date?
  • What is their most annoying habit?
  • What is the weirdest gift they’ve ever given you?
  • What’s one animal they’d willingly keep as a pet?

Top Newlywed Game Questions

  • What did they wear on the first date?
  • Who is their embarrassing crush?
  • Who’s the better kisser?
  • What’s their star sign?
  • What’s their weirdest quirk?
  • Who said ‘I love you’ first?
  • Who is the tidiest?
  • Who is the best cook?
  • Who is most likely to deal with a spider?
  • Which Disney character are they most like?
  • What is their worst habit?
  • What is their pet name for you?
  • What is the thing they’re most likely to end up in jail for?
  • What is the thing they’re most likely to go viral for?
  • What is their favourite thing about you?
  • What is their favourite thing about themselves?
  • What is their favourite pizza topping?
  • What’s her bra size?
  • What is [her partner’s] shoe size?
  • What is the first movie you saw together?
  • What is their favourite movie?
  • What would be their last meal?
  • Would they rather spend an evening in with you, or a night out with you?
  • What are you most likely to argue about?
  • What is their favourite flavour of potato chips?
  • If they could only eat one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?

Popular Newlywed Game Questions

  • Who has the worst handwriting?
  • What celebrity couple are you most like?
  • What would be your partner’s dream job, other than the one they are doing now?
  • What’s their most prized possession, or the item they’d save in a fire (apart from you!)?
  • How does your partner like their tea or coffee?
  • How does your partner like their eggs cooked?
  • If they could throw a themed party, what would it be?
  • Who is the better driver?
  • What’s their dream car?
  • What is their go-to karaoke song?
  • Who has the most exes?
  • What celebrity would they want to be stuck on a desert island with?
  • What’s their favourite movie/band/TV show, if they’re trying to be cool?
  • What’s their favourite movie/band/TV show, if they’re being honest?
  • What was their first pet called?
  • What’s their favourite thing that you wear?
  • Which item of clothing of theirs do you hate the most?
  • Who would win in a game of Monopoly?
  • What is their biggest fear?
  • What is their favourite flavour of ice cream?
  • If they were on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’, who would their phone-a-friend be?
  • What was the best present they ever gave you?
  • Your partner wins the lotto – how would they spend it?
  • Who will be the most hungover after the wedding?

Funny Newlywed Game Questions

  • Who is your partner’s celebrity crush?
  • What actor or actress (dead or alive) would play them in a movie?
  • Who has the worst handwriting?
  • If your partner was a wild animal, what would they be?
  • Who is most likely to steal food from your plate?
  • What is your partner’s go-to karaoke song?
  • Who is the shopaholic?
  • What podcast do they listen to too much?
  • Are they Team Jacob or Team Edward?
  • What is their favorite candy to buy at the movie theater?
  • If your partner was a character from Mario Kart, who would they be?
  • Who cried during the proposal?
  • What is their favorite emoji?
  • Who takes the longest showers?
  • Who is the most competitive?
  • What is their least favorite food?
  • Who is more likely to get lost?
  • Who always wins at Monopoly?

Classic Questions for Couples

  • What is their favorite drink?
  • Who is the first to apologize after an argument?
  • How did you and your partner meet?
  • What is their eye color?
  • What is the best present they’ve ever given you?
  • Who spends the most time getting ready?
  • What is their favorite movie?
  • What did they wear on the first date?
  • Who is the name of your partner’s first pet?
  • What is their hidden talent?
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • What is your partner’s dream date?
  • Who is the first to fall asleep at night?
  • What is their biggest fear?
  • What is their pet name for you?
  • Who is the best gift giver?
  • Who is the night owl?
  • What is their favorite television show?
  • What is their favorite movie?
  • Who is better with kids?
  • What is their biggest pet peeve?

Easy Newlywed Game Questions

  • Where is their dream vacation spot?
  • What is their favorite season of the year?
  • Who is the most stubborn?
  • Who is your partner’s favorite comedian?
  • What is their favorite app to use?
  • What is your partner’s zodiac sign?
  • Who is the most romantic?
  • What is their favorite dessert?
  • What are the names of your partner’s two best friends?
  • Who is the better driver?
  • What sports did your partner play as a kid?
  • Who is the messiest?
  • What is their favorite food?
  • Who is the best at taking beautiful pictures?
  • Who is the best cook?
  • What is your partner’s dream job?
  • What is their shoe size?
  • What is their favorite book?
  • Where was the first trip you took together?
  • Who is the most outgoing?
  • What side of the bed do they sleep on?
  • What is their favorite holiday?
  • Who is the most stylish?
  • What are three pizza toppings they love?


We trust these newlywed game questions have ignited lively chats and perhaps unveiled a few delightful secrets among couples. Ideal for couples’ gatherings or just passing the time, these queries are perfect for planning or impromptu fun. Don’t hesitate to revisit them or infuse them with your unique flair. After all, the fondest memories are born from quality time with loved ones and spirited dialogue.

Searching for the perfect questions to enliven your newlywed game, enhance team spirit, or initiate a compelling group discussion? Arvin is your ally! Capable of crafting tailored questions for a variety of scenarios, Arvin is ready to assist. Experience the magic now!


What are good love questions?

What is your biggest dream or aspiration?
How can you motivate yourself to pursue your goals?
What is your favorite way to practice self-care?
What is something you’ve always wanted to learn or try?

How do you play The Newlywed Game?

How to play the newlywed game is simple: Have one person from each couple leave the room. Ask the remaining partner a series of newlywed questions from this list and write down their answers. Once the questions have been recorded, invite the other partner back into the room.

Who was the original host of The Newlywed Game?

Robert Leland “Bob” Eubanks is an American television/radio personality and game show host, best known for hosting the game show The Newlywed Game on and off since 1966, where he was known for using the catch-phrase, “Makin’ Whoopee”.

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