68 Love Poems for Wife to Fill Her Heart with Affection
Poetry is an incredible way to express your emotions! Love poems are especially captivating. They’re like magic wands that encompass and speak of love in just one line. That’s why we’ve collected 68 love poems for wife that will surely make her feel your love.
Don’t miss: 78 Love Poems for Her to Fill Her with Inner Warmth

Writing love poems for your wife is a wonderful way to make her feel joy and bliss, or melt her heart. It’s the best way to express your love! Love poems are a fantastic way to show your wife how much you love her, no matter the occasion. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, or any other day – they’re perfect for expressing your love and admiration. If you want to make your marriage sparkle, write a few lines of poetry on a card or even text her. If you’re active on social media, you can pick a memorable photo and add a few lines of poetry to your status. We’re so excited to share these romantic love poems with your wife! We hope you’ll enjoy them and find the perfect one for your significant other.
If you find yourself struggling with poetry writing, why not give Arvin a try? Arvin is an advanced artificial intelligence that can help you achieve all your writing goals. Don’t hesitate to give it a try and see the magic it can bring to your poetry writing.
Famous Love Poems for Wife
‘Wild Nights – Wild Nights’ by Emily Dickinson
Wild nights – Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!Futile – the winds –
To a Heart in port –
Done with the Compass –
Done with the Chart!Rowing in Eden –
Ah – the Sea!
Might I but moor – tonight –
In thee!
‘To My Wife’ by Jerry Boettcher
On this day we said our vows.
Now is a time to say just how
Much I appreciate you.God-crafted for me alone,
You’ve done so well to make our home
A place of nurture and love.Smoothing out my obtuse corners,
You help to make our family warmer
To the people who surround us.I love you as much as on day one,
Even though many years have gone
By in the blink of a moment.I am so happy I have years more
To be with you and to adore…
‘Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Gladly Beyond’ by E.E. Cummings
Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which I cannot touch because they are too nearyour slightest look easily will unclose me
though I have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully, mysteriously)her first roseor if your wish be to close me, I and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the colour of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands.
‘I Love You For What You Are’ by Carl Sandberg
I love you for what you are,
But I love you yet more for what you are going to be.
I love you not so much for your realities as for your ideals.
I pray for your desires that they may be great,
Rather than for your satisfactions, which may be so hazardously little.
A satisfied flower is one whose petals are about to fall.
The most beautiful rose is one hardly more than a bud
Wherein the pangs and ecstasies of desire are working for a larger and finer growth.
Not always shall you be what you are now.
You are going forward toward something great.
I am on the way with you and therefore I love you.
Best Love Poems for Wife
‘Love is Not Just a Word’
Love is not just a word, it’s a feeling so deep
A feeling that grows with each moment we keep
Together, our love is a beautiful flame
Eternal and constant, forever the same
‘Forever and Always’
Forever and always, my love for you will grow
With each passing day, my love continues to show
In the depths of my heart, you’ll always remain
Forever and always, my love will remain the same
Sweet Love Poems for Wife
’Let Us Be True ‘ by Matthew Arnold
Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night.
‘To You I Promise’ by Danny Balckburn
My love for you is unconditional and enduring.
To you, I promise to always be reassuring.My love for you protects you and is honorable.
To you, I promise to always be faithful.My love for you is understanding and passionate.
To you, I promise to always be compassionate.My love for you is thoughtful and cherishing.
To you, I promise to always be devoted and caring.My love for you is patient and kind.
To you, I promise this always until the end of time.My love for you is selfless and forgiving.
To you, I promise this always, for as long as I am living.My love for you is devoted and encouraging.
To you, I promise to always listen and never be detouring.I promise to show you, my wife, that I love you in all that I do.
I can promise these things because with all of my heart I love you.
‘You Are the Right in My Life’ by Anonymous
You‘re the right in my life
That removes every wrong
You’re the power in my life
That makes everything strong
You’re the remedy of my life
That cures every illness
You’re the calm in life
That diffuses all my stress
You’ve always believed
In everything I’ve done
You aren’t just my everything
You are my number one
I love you
‘A Red, Red Rose’ by Robert Burns
O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune.So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.
‘You’ve Made Me Change’ by Anonymous
You’ve made me change
The way I look at things
You’ve given me the belief
To blindly trust my instincts
You’ve instilled faith
In me like never before
Helping me to rise
Above petty things and soar
I’ve come this far because
You’ve always been with me
I can’t imagine what life
Without you would be
I love you
‘Queen of My Heart’ by Anonymous
I’ll be the warrior to fight for our love;
We’ll fly together, fly higher than the dove.
I’ll be your wall and shield you from danger;
I’ll take all the pains, for to me they are no stranger.
You’ll be the queen in the kingdom of my heart;
And then I’ll be the king, so we’ll never be apart.
You’ll be my majesty— I will serve you forever;
And for all of the times, I will leave you never
‘Another Valentine’ by Wendy Cope
Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another Valentine.
We know the rules, and we are both pedantic:
Today’s the day we have to be romantic.
Our love is old and sure, not new and frantic.
You know I’m yours, and I know you are mine.
And saying that has made me feel romantic,
My dearest love, my darling valentine.
‘Spring as a Season’ by Anonymous
Spring as a season
Would be dull and dreary
If you weren’t around
To make it flowery for me
Summer would be no fun
It would be so boring and bland
I wonder how I would survive
Can’t even begin to understand
Winter would be worse
Very gloomy and blue
It would be more horrible
To spend it without you
Every season of my life
Is beautiful with your presence
Without you there would be
No meaning to my existence
I love you
‘I’ll Walk the Line’ by Anonymous
Your cuteness knows no bounds,
your beauty has no limit,
you are the only woman in the world,
to which I will commit.
I look at you and gasp in awe,
wondering how you’re mine,
you take my breath away my dear,
for you, I’ll walk the line.
‘Bright Star’ by John Keats
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art–
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature’s patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth’s human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors–
No–yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow’d upon my fair love’s ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake forever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever–or else swoon to death.
‘If You Were a Celebrity’ by Anonymous
If you were a celebrity
I’d be your biggest fan
If you were the sun
I’d be the awesome tan
If you were an actress
I’d be the camera
If you were a candle
I would be a spa
Whatever you would be
I would be your ally
In short, without you
I would surely die
I love you
‘You Came Into My Life’ by Anonymous
You came into my life like a star
And filled my heart with joy
You took my pain as if it was yours
And gave me love that no one could.
You gave me a shoulder to cry on
You were my pillar when I was falling
With your smile, you made my living on earth worthwhile.
‘We Are Made One With What We Touch and See’ by Oscar Wilde
And we two lovers shall not sit afar,
Critics of nature, but the joyous sea
Shall be our raiment, and the bearded star
Shoot arrows at our pleasure! We shall be
Part of the mighty universal whole,
And though all Aeons mix
And mingle with the Kosmic soul!
We shall be notes in the great symphony
Whose cadence circles through the rhythmic spheres,
And all the live world’s throbbing heart shall be
One without heart, the stealthy creeping years
Have lost their terrors now, we shall not die,
The universe itself shall be our immortality!
‘A Thread Connects’ by Anonymous
A thread connects you and me
A thread so magical, that no one else can see
It binds us together in the strongest ways
Protecting us from the toughest of days
That miraculous thread is our marriage
Of being together, it has made me pledge
To which I’ll abide no matter what
My dearest wife, I love you a lot
‘Sonnet 130’ by William Shakespeare
My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun;
Coral is far more red than her lips’ red;
If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;
If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.
I have seen roses damask’d, red and white,
But no such roses see I in her cheeks;
And in some perfumes is there more delight
Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.
I love to hear her speak, yet well I know
That music hath a far more pleasing sound;
I grant I never saw a goddess go;
My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground:
And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare
As any, she belied with false compare.
Short Love Poems for Wife
‘Forever in My Heart’
You are the beat of my heart, my love, my life
Together, we’ll conquer every challenge and strife
With each kiss and each hug, our love will remain
Forever in my heart, you’ll always remain
‘Soul Mates’
Together we are two halves of a perfect whole
A love that will never fade, never grow old
We are meant to be together, forever as one
Together, we’ll face life’s challenges, one by one
‘A Love So Pure’
Our love is like a diamond, bright and so true
A love that will never fade, forever brand new
With each kiss and each hug, our love will always shine
A love so pure, forever divine
‘The One and Only’
You are the one and only, my love, my life
Together, we’ll face every challenge and strife
With each kiss and each hug, our love will remain
Forever in my heart, you’ll always remain
‘A Love That Will Endure’
Our love is like a storm, wild and so strong
A love that will endure, for so very long
With each passing day, our love continues to grow
Together, forever and always, our love will glow
‘My Forever Love’
You are my forever love, my heart, my soul
Together, we’ll face every challenge and goal
With each kiss and each hug, our love will remain
Forever in my heart, you’ll always remain
‘My One and Only’
You are my one and only, my love, my heart
Together, we’ll never be torn apart
With each kiss and each hug, our love will remain
Forever in my heart, you’ll always remain
Funny Love Poems for Wife
‘Roses are Red’ by Anonymous
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Let’s stay in bed
I think you get the clue!
‘Stuck on You’ by Kenneth J. Miller
You’re sucrose, you’re glucose,
You’re fructose and more,
From your head to your feet…
Which are stuck to the floor.You’re Hershey’s, you’re Snickers,
You’re sweet English Toffee.
If you spit in my cup,
You’ll just sweeten my coffee.I love you so much
That I’m getting frenetic,
But I can’t even kiss you,
’cause I’m diabetic.
‘Am I fat?’ by Anonymous
If you ask me if you’re fat
Behold! It’s a trap!
If I say “Nope”
You’ll call me ‘dope’…
If I say “Yes”
You’ll think I care less…
If I go silent
You’ll start to vent.
So I’d rather say
“I love you
Want a pizza or two?”
Romantic Love Poems for Wife
‘Echo’ by Carol Ann Duffy
“I think I was searching for treasures or stones
in the clearest of pools
when your face . . .when your face,
like the moon in a well
where I might wish…
might well wish
for the iced fire of your kiss;
only on water my lips, where your face…where your face was reflected, lovely,
not really there when I turned
to look behind at the emptying air…
the emptying air.”
‘I Will Wait for You Forever’ by Diana J. Briones
The days are cold, the nights are long,
but my love for you stays strong.
I hold you in my heart
and have you on my mind.
I’ll wait for you; however long,
my love for you is blind.
You are my lover and my friend,
you are my everything.
I shall remain here waiting,
even if for eternity.
‘The New Beginning’ by Olufunke Kolapo
Like the warmth of the morning sun,
So do thoughts of you embrace me,
Revealing how alive I am
A glorious light of the new day,
so is your presence in my life,
relieving it of its shadows,
and marking the start of a new beginning.
Deep Love Poem for Wife
‘I Loved You First’ by Christina Rossetti
I loved you first: but afterwards your love
Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song
As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove.
Which owes the other most? My love was long,
And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
And loved me for what might or might not be –
Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong.
For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’
With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done,
For one is both and both are one in love:
Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’
Both have the strength and both the length thereof,
Both of us, of the love which makes us one.
‘The Dream’ by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Love, if I weep it will not matter,
And if you laugh I shall not care;
Foolish am I to think about it,
But it is good to feel you there.Love, in my sleep I dreamed of waking,—
White and awful the moonlight reached
Over the floor, and somewhere, somewhere,
There was a shutter loose,—it screeched!Swung in the wind,—and no wind blowing!—
I was afraid, and turned to you,
Put out my hand to you for comfort,—
And you were gone! Cold, cold as dew,Under my hand the moonlight lay!
Love, if you laugh I shall not care,
But if I weep it will not matter,—
Ah, it is good to feel you there!
‘When Compliments Pay Best’ by Amos Russel Wells
Your wife is growing old, man,
The white is in her hair,
But winsome to behold, man,
As when a maiden fair.For there’s an autumn beauty
More charming than the spring;
The grace of love and duty,
It is a wondrous thing!Then tell your wife ’tis so, man,—
It’s better lore than books,—
For women like to know, man,
That men still like their looks.And maybe she will tell you,
For she’s a guileful tongue,
The years so kindly spell you
That you are looking young!
I Love You Poems for Wife
‘To The One I Love’ by Anonymous
To the one I love, the one I adore,
My only goal in life, the one I live for –
Though we might fight more than we get along,
I hope our relationship will never go wrong.
I love to be with you, I love you around;
I’m so glad I’m the one you found.
Though you may not see what you mean to me,
My love for you will always be.
I know you love me and I know you care;
That’s why I treasure the love we share.
I want you to know I’m here for you,
Whatever it is I’ll help you through.
To the one I love, the one I adore,
My love grows every day more and more.
Heartfelt Love Poems for Wife
‘Like a Sunrise’
With every sunrise, my love for you grows,
With your insight, your laughter, my heart glows.
When you’re around, my happiness overflows,
With you, my love, life’s beauty truly shows.
‘My Happy Place’
In your touch, I find endless grace,
With your love, life’s a thrilling chase.
In your eyes, I see my happy place,
With you, my love, I’ve found my embrace.
‘Better with Time’
Through the years, our love’s like fine wine,
With you, my dear, everything’s divine.
In your heart, I’ve found my lifeline,
With you, forever, I’ll intertwine.
‘My Heart Smiles’
In your smile, I find my reason to be,
With you, my love, I feel so free.
In your love, I’ve found eternity,
With you, my dear, my heart’s decree.
Love Poems For Wife’s Birthday
‘Moonlit Birthday Love’
Happy birthday, sweetheart,
You are the sole reason for our love,
The angel sent to me from up above.
You came into my life and gave me the joy,
Your smile is still my biggest decoy.
I want to bring the moon for your birthday,
But I promise to deliver the beauty of the moon on this day.
‘Love’s Birthday Vow’
Happy birthday, my love,
It is tough to tell you how I feel,
Vows and rings did our love seal.
We may have our ups and downs,
But when you are not around, I feel like I’m in the dumps.
On your birthday, I make another vow,
A promise to always leave you feeling wow.
‘Gem of My Life’
You are the true gem of my life,
The many things we shared,
The way you really cared,
This is to you, my beautiful wife,
Happy birthday to you!
May you get everything you wish and new!
Keep smiling!
‘Inspiring Wife, Happy Birthday’
I may never be able to become
A husband as amazing and awesome
As the wife you have been to me
And changed the course of my destiny.
If I can be even an ounce of what you are
I will be able to take my life really far
Until I catch up with you, sweetie
I want you to keep inspiring me.
Happy birthday.
‘Gorgeous and Lovely Birthday’
The word gorgeous
Is way too demure
To personify your love
Of which I am so sure.
The word lovely
Is too mild of a compliment
Coz baby you are
Prettiness’ perfect embodiment.
Happy birthday.
Good Morning Love Poems For Wife
‘Morning Love’s Awakening’
As I sip my cup of coffee,
I remember you my dear,
And I want to be with you,
I want you to be near.
In my life in every way,
This is a new day,
So, good morning for today!
‘Incomplete Without You’
My days are incomplete
Without you sweetheart,
Nights are painful because
With you, I never want to part.
The only days that don’t
Seem to be never-ending
Are the ones that I spend
With you all morning and evening
I love you!
‘Misty Mornings of Longing’
Mornings are filled with mist,
Mornings are a delight,
Was thinking about you all night,
Coz you are not in sight,
Wishing you a lovely morning today,
Because it’s just another awesome day,
Good morning my dear,
Wish you were near!
‘Sunshine and Embrace’
I think of you on this bright morning,
I can see the gleam of sunshine,
Am I remember your charming face,
And, taking you in my arms I wish I could embrace,
Wish you a very good morning my dear,
Wish you could be near!
‘Breathtaking Love, Good Morning’
When I opened my eyes and saw you here,
My arms could not help but draw you near,
I sigh in wonder and stare in awe,
In my dreams, I know, it was you that I saw,
Your beauty ignites me, my angel from above,
Good morning my dear, my breathtaking love.
Passionate Love Poems For Your Love
‘My Soul’ by Mayank Raj Verma
You gave light to my soul
You helped me to be whole
I have felt love for you before
And it will be more and more,
You are mine, my dear
You are the angel from above
Who taught me how to love.
Please, forever keep me near.
‘When You Are Old’ by William Butler Yeats
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
‘Through the Sun’ by Arone Stone
It fills my heart with gladness knowing that
Though the sun is being replaced with night,
When I lay my head to rest,
You will be by my side,
Comforting me tonight.
‘Make Me Feel’ by Mariah Chandan
Take this smile and make it stretch so wide.
Take these arms and hold me oh so tight.
Take these feelings and make them real.
At the end, show me how to feel.
Beautiful Love Poems For Her
‘The Island on Which I Love You’ by Brandy Nalani McDougall
This island is alive with love,
its storms, the cough of alchemy
expelling every parasitic thing,
teaching me to love you with
the intricacies of island knowing,
to depend on the archipelagic
spelling of you lying next to me,
our blue-screen flares their own
floating islands after our daughter
has finally fallen asleep,
to trust in the shape and curve
of your hand reaching out to hold mine
making and remaking an island our own.
‘It May Not Always Be So’ by E. E. Cummings
It may not always be so; and I say
that if your lips, which I have loved, should touch
another’s, and your dear strong fingers clutch
his heart, as mine in time not far away;
if on another’s face your sweet hair lay
in such a silence as I know, or such
great writhing words as, uttering overmuch,
stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;
if this should be, I say if this should be-
you of my heart, send me a little word;
that I may go unto him, and take his hands,
saying, Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall I turn my face, and hear one bird
sing terribly afar in the lost lands.
‘The Thing About Love’ by Alfa Holden
The thing is:
Love will break you.
That is a guarantee.
Yet at the same time,
it is the only thing
that can put you
back together.
‘Marriage Morning’ by Lord Tennyson
Light, so low upon earth,
You send a flash to the sun.
Here is the golden close of love,
All my wooing is done.
Oh, all the woods and the meadows,
Woods, where we hid from the wet,
Stiles where we stayed to be kind,
Meadows in which we met!
Light, so low in the vale
You flash and lighten afar,
For this is the golden morning of love,
And you are his morning star.
Flash, I am coming, I come,
By meadow and stile and wood,
Oh, lighten into my eyes and my heart,
Into my heart and my blood!
Heart, are you great enough
For a love that never tires?
O heart, are you great enough for love?
I have heard of thorns and briers.
Over the thorns and briers,
Over the meadows and stiles,
Over the world to the end of it
Flash of a million miles.
Writing love poems for your wife is a great way to make her happy. It’s the best way to show your love! Love poems are a great way to show your wife you love her. Birthdays, wedding anniversaries, or any day – they’re perfect for expressing love. To make your marriage sparkle, write a poem or text her. If you’re on social media, you can add a photo and a few lines of poetry to your status. We’re excited to share these romantic love poems with your wife! We hope you’ll enjoy them and find the perfect one for your partner.
For personalized poems, Arvin is here to assist you in crafting unique writings. Give Arvin a chance to create something inspiring.
My life didn’t start until I met you.
My heart and my life have been filled ever since I met you.
I love you more than anything!
You are the woman that I have always dreamed of.
Read other love poems for inspiration.
Think about your feelings for the person/subject of your poem.
Write first, edit later.
Read your poems out loud.
Utilize literary devices.
Use sensory descriptions.
Make it deeply personal.
“Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I’m never not thinking of you.”—Virginia Woolf, Selected Diaries
“I’m not a religious person but I do sometimes think God made you for me.” —Sally Rooney, Normal People
“I do love nothing in the world so well as you: is not that strange?” —Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
“If you are intolerable, let me be the one to tolerate you,” —Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo