how to make an essay longer

How to Make An Essay Longer: 7 Tips for Better Word Count

It is not an easy feat to make an essay longer when sticking to a minimum word count is required.

How to Make An Essay Longer_ Tips for Better Word Count

For that, if you stuff your essay with filler content or repeat the same ideas, it will lose coherence and quality. But then there is the big question: how can you lengthen your essay without compromising quality?

If that’s you, don’t worry! We came up with seven practical ideas to make your essay longer without sacrificing clarity or focus.

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Should make your essay longer in the first place?

The short answer is a resounding yes.

In general, making an essay longer is particularly important as most assignments require a certain page or word count that simply must be met, or else you risk receiving a failing grade.

As a result, increasing the length of your essay in such situations will help you meet the criteria and improve your final mark.

Beyond that, if your essay is longer, you will have more space to present your ideas and arguments. Digging deeper into your topic and providing more analysis proves your knowledge, and it’s very much appreciated.

But you won’t get anywhere by simply adding filler content or repeating the same ideas. Instead, you should work on developing your thoughts further and bolstering your arguments with research. You might find it easier to meet the word count requirement that way. And it will also be worth reading!

7 Pro tips to lengthen your essay (without sacrificing quality)

Now that you know the reasons why you should make an essay longer, let’s see how you may achieve just that.

Use these tips to improve and lengthen your essays so you meet the word count and also rigorous quality standards!

essay worry

1. Enhance your ideas

To strengthen your arguments, first you need to develop supporting points.

For example, imagine you need to write about the importance of physical activity in children. You could look for studies that back up that approach, i.e., “why physical activity in children helps their growth”.

Developing your ideas and backing them up with science is a fantastic way of increasing the word count fast.

2. Use subheadings

Divide your writing into sections using subheadings. This will make your writing easier to read and also add more words to your count. To achieve this, break the main points of your writing into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Consider that subheadings are used to provide background or an expanded explanation of the title just below. For that, use them to entertain, add urgency, or hook readers into wanting to read more about the topic. Remember that subheadings not only make an essay longer, but also keep it organized and help you stay on track as you write.

3. Use descriptive and technical language

The use of detailed and technical language is a proven method of enriching any essay. You can make your writing way more compelling and powerful with this strategy while increasing word count.

In addition, use figurative language to add richness to your text. You may easily polish your essay by using the best grammar tools that correct your sentences and give them a better overall structure.

4. Add examples

Examples in an essay support and better explain the main point. Personal experiences, historical events, literature, and scientific studies may be used to exemplify abstract or theoretical concepts.

This is an amazing way to make easy-to-understand even the most complex ideas. And it also leads to increasing the length of your essay! Beyond that, using examples gives more weight to your arguments, too.

how to make an essay longer

5. Include quotations

To illustrate or support a point in an essay or other writing, it is common practice to use direct quotations from the original source material.

Keep in mind that direct quotations are taken word-for-word from the original source, while indirect quotations are paraphrases or summaries of the original.

Including relevant quotes from experts, authors or other sources will make your writing more credible while extending its length. If you don’t know where to start, you may use a quote finder.

Mind you, when researching quotes to make your essay longer, be sure to:

  • Look for credible and verifiable sources.
  • Check when the source was published to see if it is still relevant.
  • Use proper citations to avoid plagiarism.

6. Add transition words

Use transition words to lengthen your essay and make your writing flow smoothly. Transitional phrases are a great way to improve how your writing feels to the reader, making the essay longer, more organized, and engaging.

Furthermore, you may also use them to compare and contrast data, and to show the relationship between two variables. As an example, using “in conclusion” as a transition phrase at the end of an argument clearly draws attention to the fact that you are about to conclude your statement.

7. Use the help of powerful AI writing tools

While the use of artificial intelligence is not usually allowed in academic spaces, it may certainly be used as a resource to make an essay longer. There are writing apps such as Arvin AI that simplify such writing tasks.

Of course, those tools use the power of GPT 4 or GPT 3.5 to achieve the excellent result you are looking for.

However, the real magic starts when you know how to use them.

The idea is not having the app write the text for you, but to give it specific prompts such as: “Prompt: Make my essay longer by expanding this argument [insert your idea]” to help you polish or further develop your original ideas.

more word count

Key takeaway on how to make your essay longer

If you still wonder how to make an essay longer after reading this post, you probably need to start trying to implement our ideas.

We know it is not such a simple task, but we believe these tips will be helpful.

And in case you want to make the writing process even easier, you should try Arvin. It definitely is the ultimate solution to make your essay longer (and better).

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Is it allowed to use AI to write your essays?

It is not recommended to use AI to write essays from scratch. However, it certainly is a wonderful tool to make your essay longer, proofread grammar or find amazing ideas or examples to improve your work!

Are AI grammar-checking tools reliable for proofreading an essay?

Yes, AI tools for grammar correction are extremely reliable for improving your content and even text structure.

Can my teachers detect if my essay was written by an AI?

There are artificial intelligence detectors that may recognize whether a text is original or not. However, it is virtually impossible to detect an original essay that has been enhanced by the power of AI.

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