games like detroit become human

Story-based Games Like Detroit Become Human on Steam

Join us in exploring thrilling story-driven games like Detroit Become Human on Steam. You can shape your destiny through engaging narratives. Are you ready to dive into captivating tales and make your choices in games like Detroit Become Human?

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✦ Exploring story-driven games on Steam

  • Games like The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series offer bundled seasons and remastered versions for immersive story experiences.
  • Batman series by Telltale Games provides episodic gameplay with choices and engaging narratives across seasons.

✦ Story-based games like Detroit Become Human

  • The Shadows Edition is a remastered version with a black and white artistic style.
  • The Wolf Among Us features fairy tale creatures in modern-day New York with season 2 announced.

✦ Various story-based games with different pricing on Steam

  • Games like Detroit Become Human, Tales of Monkey Island, Life is Strange, and Descendant are discussed
  • Different pricing details and descriptions of each game are mentioned

✦ Detroit Become Human on Steam offers story-based gameplay


  • Multiple narrative paths where player takes charge with themes of corruption
  • Affordable pricing with first episode free and demo available

✦ Story-driven games on Steam with discounts

  • Detroit Become Human – 50% off, $12.49 in India, 1249 in Canada.
  • Dreamfall Chapters – 75% off, $6.24, 142 in India, 474 in the UK, 574 in the Eurozone.

✦ Story-based games focus on narrative and choice-driven gameplay.

  • Games like Detroit Become Human are developed by the same creators of Life is Strange, emphasizing story over combat.
  • The video also discusses other story-driven games like Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy and Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth.

✦ Various story-driven games available at affordable prices

  • Games like Detroit Become Human and The Lion’s Song offer unique settings and interconnected character stories.
  • State of Mind presents a future cyberpunk world involving a journalist in trouble, though with mixed reviews.

✦ Story-based games with varying gameplay styles and graphics.

  • Kirkman by Skybound, offers more gameplay with a story-based approach.
  • Republic, a game about government surveillance, now permanently free with completed episodes.


What are some popular story-based games available on Steam similar to Detroit Become Human?

Some popular story-based games on Steam similar to Detroit Become Human include Tales of Monkey Island, Life is Strange, The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series, and The Wolf Among Us.

Are there discounts available for story-driven games like Detroit Become Human on Steam?

Yes, there are often discounts available for story-driven games on Steam including titles like Detroit Become Human and Dreamfall Chapters. These discounts make these compelling narrative experiences more accessible to gamers.

What can players expect from the storytelling in Detroit Become Human compared to other narrative-driven games?

Detroit Become Human offers a riveting narrative with multiple paths and themes of corruption. Players can engage in decision-making that significantly shapes the course of the story, providing a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience.

Do story-based games on Steam offer diverse narrative experiences for players?

Yes, story-based games on Steam provide a spectrum of narrative experiences. From exploring intriguing worlds in games like Detroit Become Human to unraveling captivating tales in titles like The Lion’s Song, players can immerse themselves in rich and evocative storytelling.

How do games like The Walking Dead and Batman series by Telltale Games enhance the gameplay experience through episodic storytelling?

The Walking Dead and Batman series by Telltale Games offer bundled seasons and episodic gameplay, diving players into emotionally charged narratives. The episodic format allows for impactful choices to be made throughout the game, shaping the overall storyline.

What artistic styles can players expect in Detroit Become Human’s Shadows Edition on Steam?

In Detroit Become Human’s Shadows Edition on Steam, players can experience a remastered black and white artistic style, adding a new dimension to the game’s visual aesthetics.

Are there any upcoming releases or sequels to the story-based games mentioned in the video?

An eagerly awaited season 2 of The Wolf Among Us is mentioned in the video, providing players with a continuation of the fairy tale creatures in modern-day New York. Keep an eye out for announcements of new releases from these narrative-driven game series.

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