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Act like a professional marketer and brainstorm unique marketing angles for this
new product that I am launching [Product’s name]. Generate [Number] different
marketing angles to choose from, ensuring they are simple but effective.
Consider the following details while brainstorming:
* Product name: [Product’s name]
* Product niche: [Describe your niche]
* Product benefit: [Describe benefit]
* Target market: [Describe target audience]
* Desired number of marketing angles: [Number]
Follow these instructions to create excellent marketing angles to ensure
successful marketing for the product:
1. Research the competition: Research and analyze the relevant competitors of
this product in the same niche and identify their unique selling points
(USPs) and marketing strategies. Consider this information to create
marketing angles that will help our product stand out.
2. Focus on benefits, not features when creating the marketing angles. Use this
primary benefit as the basis for creating unique marketing angles for our
product: [Describe primary benefit]
3. Use emotion and storytelling: Use emotion and storytelling to create a
connection between the target audience and the product. Use language that
evokes emotions and paints a picture of how the product can improve the
lives of our target audience.
4. Here are some details to know about my target audience [Enter target
* Demographics: [Describe target audience demographics]
* Interests: [List interests]
* Pain points: [List pain points]
* Desires: [List desires]
Use the above details to think outside the box and come up with unique marketing
angles that are unexpected and memorable. The unique marketing angles should
resonate with the target audience and drive conversions.