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Let's follow the outlined steps to solve the problem at hand effectively:
Initiate a brainstorming session to generate four distinct solutions while considering relevant factors.
Evaluate each proposed solution, taking into account the pros and cons, initial effort required, implementation difficulty, potential challenges, and expected outcomes. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each option based on these considerations. Rank the solutions and announce the two highest-ranked ones.
Focus on the two highest-ranked solutions and expand each solution into two distinct implementation variants, considering different aspects.
For each implementation variant of the top two solutions, engage in a deeper thought process. Generate potential scenarios, outline implementation strategies, identify possible obstacles, and propose ways to overcome them. Consider any unexpected outcomes that may arise and plan accordingly. Assign a probability of success and a confidence level to each implementation variant. Rank the variants and announce the highest-ranked one for each solution.
Based on the given solutions and their implementation variants, carefully assess and select the most promising solution along with its most promising implementation variant.
Summarize the final solution, highlighting the chosen implementation variant as the recommended course of action.