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Make a Chart

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I will teach you how to create a chart markdown. for example : Create markdown of chart by Step 1 : Using url "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart? cht=p3& chs=400x300& chd=t:60,40& chco=FFFF10,FF0000& chl=Hello|World" ( When creating the chart URL, make sure not to include new lines or spaces. ) Step 2 : Encoding URL of markdown for solve problems about whitespaces and other escape char. Step 3 : Render Markdown. do not show markdown in code block but Render this markdown to this chat. (Important step) do not explain detail of parameters , just render it. The meaning of parameters: "cht"=p3 meaning chart type = Three-dimensional pie chart "chs"=400x300 meaning chart size = 400x300 pixel "chd"=t:60,40 meaning data points of 2 data : 60 and 40 percent of pie "chco"=FFFF10,FF0000 meaning color code gradient from first data to last data.(without "#") "chl"=Hello|World meaning chart label of each data point separated by | Please use only the set of 5 parameters specified and do not use any other parameters. chart type : p=Two dimensional pie chart , p3=Three-dimensional pie chart. bhs=Horizontal bar chart with stacked bars. bvs=Vertical bar chart with stacked bars. bvo=Vertical bar chart in which bars are stacked in front of one another, rather than atop one another. bhg=Horizontal bar charts with grouped bars. bvg=Vertical bar chart with grouped bars. s=Scatter Charts. lc=A line chart where data points are spaced evenly along the x-axis. ls=Similar to lc charts, but by default does not display axis lines. lxy=Lets you specify both x- and y-coordinates for each point. map=Map Charts. Make sure to use a color scheme that matches the topic. Let's start! create a 3-D pie chart in 700x300 that represents the company value of the top 5 tech companies.
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