300+ Would You Rather Questions for Teens to Entertain Friends

300+ Would You Rather Questions for Teens to Entertain Friends

Do you want to have fun and start interesting conversations at your next gathering? Look no further! This article is your ultimate go-to guide. These questions will get your friends talking. These 300+ would you rather questions for teens are great for sleepovers, parties, or just hanging out. Get ready to have fun and ask away!

Would You Rather Questions for Teens

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Technology Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather carry a flip phone or only use a desktop computer?
  • Would you rather never play video games or use your favorite mobile app again?
  • Would you rather spend a day without your phone or a day with no people at all?
  • Would you rather only use email to communicate or only use voice calls (no video calls)?
  • Would you rather only charge your phone once a week or not have a camera on your phone?
  • Would you rather never use a GPS or only be able to drive stick-shift cars?
  • Would you rather only use Netflix or Hulu?
  • Would you rather have the newest smartphone but no internet access at home, or an older model phone with the fastest Wi-Fi?
  • Would you rather give up social media or give up video games for a year?
  • Would you rather always have a low battery on your phone or slow internet speed on all your devices?
  • Would you rather never use a search engine again or never use social media again?
  • Would you rather have a phone with an indestructible battery or a laptop with unlimited storage?
  • Would you rather always have to use an outdated computer or not be able to use a computer at all?
  • Would you rather be famous on YouTube or be an influencer on Instagram?
  • Would you rather never be able to use GPS again or never be able to use a streaming service again?
  • Would you rather be the first to get every new gaming console or the latest smartphone?
  • Would you rather have to text using a flip phone for the rest of your life or only be able to use dial-up internet at home?

Friendship & Relationships Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather have one close friend or a large group of acquaintances?
  • Would you rather be liked by everyone but have no close friends or be disliked by everyone but have one loyal friend?
  • Would you rather go on a date with someone you have a lot in common with or someone completely different from you?
  • Would you rather be friends with someone super serious or silly?
  • Would you rather have a long-distance relationship with someone amazing or a close-by relationship with someone you have less in common with?
  • Would you rather spend the weekend with friends or have the entire house to yourself?
  • Would you rather have a friend who tells harsh truths or one who tells comforting lies?
  • Would you rather have a friendship based on deep conversations or fun activities?
  • Would you rather have a friend who overshadows you or a friend who is always trying to compete with you?
  • Would you rather have a friend who is always busy or a friend who always cancels plans?
  • Would you rather keep a secret from your best friend or share it but risk ruining the friendship?
  • Would you rather have friends who are older than you or younger than you?
  • Would you rather be known for always giving great advice or always lending a listening ear?
  • Would you rather go on a double date or have a night out with friends?
  • Would you rather be in a relationship with someone extremely romantic or extremely practical?
  • Would you rather have your parents pick your partner or have your friends pick your partner?
  • Would you rather have no social media followers but lots of real-life friends, or lots of social media followers but no real-life friends?

Travel & Adventure Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather travel the world but never be able to return home or never travel more than 50 miles from your hometown?
  • Would you rather visit the past or the future?
  • Would you rather explore space or the deep ocean?
  • Would you rather go on a luxury cruise or a backpacking trip?
  • Would you rather spend a week camping in a forest or a week at a five-star hotel?
  • Would you rather visit a big city or a secluded beach?
  • Would you rather travel alone or always travel with a group?
  • Would you rather fly first class but have layovers or fly economy direct?
  • Would you rather have a strict travel itinerary or wander without plans?
  • Would you rather lose your luggage but have a great vacation, or have your luggage but have things go wrong on the trip?
  • Would you rather travel through time but not change anything or change something but never travel through time?
  • Would you rather go on an all-expenses-paid trip to a destination you didn’t choose or pay for a trip to a destination of your choosing?
  • Would you rather travel without any luggage or travel without any money?
  • Would you rather go on vacation with friends or family?
  • Would you rather explore a lost city or a newly discovered planet?
  • Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or go to the future to meet your descendants?

Entertainment Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather watch only comedies for the rest of your life or only dramas?
  • Would you rather be a famous actor or a famous musician?
  • Would you rather go to a music festival or a film festival?
  • Would you rather binge-watch a series or wait for weekly episodes?
  • Would you rather read the book before watching the movie or watch the movie before reading the book?
  • Would you rather only be able to listen to one song for the rest of your life or one album?
  • Would you rather have a movie night at home or go out for a movie?
  • Would you rather be able to play any musical instrument or speak any language?
  • Would you rather watch reality TV shows or scripted TV shows?
  • Would you rather be a contestant on a talent show or a game show?
  • Would you rather be able to act but not sing, or sing but not act?
  • Would you rather attend a live theater performance or a live concert?
  • Would you rather have your life narrated by Morgan Freeman or have your thoughts narrated by Kevin Hart?
  • Would you rather only be able to watch documentaries or only be able to watch cartoons?
  • Would you rather meet your favorite fictional character or your favorite celebrity?
  • Would you rather write a screenplay or direct a movie?
  • Would you rather only listen to classical music or only listen to electronic music?
  • Would you rather go to a comedy club or a dance club?
  • Would you rather be a part of a sitcom family or a reality TV family?
  • Would you rather be stuck in a horror movie or a love story?

Sports & Fitness Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather be an Olympic athlete or a professional gamer?
  • Would you rather do cardio or lift weights?
  • Would you rather be able to run really fast or jump really high?
  • Would you rather win a minor sports event and be forgotten or lose a major sports event but be remembered?
  • Would you rather play a team sport or an individual sport?
  • Would you rather go to the gym or workout at home?
  • Would you rather go for a run in the rain or in scorching heat?
  • Would you rather be the star player on a losing team or an average player on a winning team?
  • Would you rather go for a hike or go for a swim?
  • Would you rather try an extreme sport like skydiving or a relaxing one like golf?
  • Would you rather have a perfect beach body but be poor at sports or be excellent at sports but not have a great body?
  • Would you rather do yoga or weightlifting?
  • Would you rather participate in a team relay or a solo endurance race?
  • Would you rather have an outdoor workout or an indoor workout?
  • Would you rather be a coach or a referee?
  • Would you rather watch sports live or on TV?
  • Would you rather go kayaking or surfing?
  • Would you rather always win but not improve or lose but improve significantly?
  • Would you rather play a winter sport or a summer sport?
  • Would you rather have a lifetime membership to a gym or own all the fitness equipment you need at home?

Career & Future Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather have a high-paying job that you hate or a low-paying job that you love?
  • Would you rather be famous but constantly scrutinized or be anonymous but successful?
  • Would you rather work from home forever or work in an office forever?
  • Would you rather have a career that requires constant travel or one where you have to stay in one place?
  • Would you rather be a one-hit wonder or have a long, stable, but unremarkable career?
  • Would you rather be an entrepreneur or work for someone else?
  • Would you rather work long hours for a short period or have consistent moderate hours indefinitely?
  • Would you rather retire early but have less money or work longer but have more savings?
  • Would you rather be a generalist who knows a little about a lot or a specialist who knows a lot about a little?
  • Would you rather win the lottery or earn your wealth through hard work?
  • Would you rather be overworked in a job you love or have an easy job that you hate?
  • Would you rather work in a startup or a well-established company?
  • Would you rather have a boss who gives you too much freedom or too much guidance?
  • Would you rather work in a job that benefits society or a job that benefits you financially?
  • Would you rather be an astronaut or a deep-sea diver?
  • Would you rather work in a creative field or a technical field?
  • Would you rather work with animals or with computers?
  • Would you rather be self-employed with an uncertain income or employed with a steady income?
  • Would you rather have a boring job title but interesting work or an interesting job title but boring work?
  • Would you rather job-hop every few years or stay with one company for your entire career?

Fashion & Personal Style Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather wear formal clothes every day or wear casual clothes every day?
  • Would you rather have an unlimited wardrobe or find your perfect style with only 5 outfits?
  • Would you rather always have to wear loud, flashy clothes or always have to wear boring, outdated clothes?
  • Would you rather have the same haircut forever or have to change your haircut every month?
  • Would you rather have to wear winter clothes in the summer or summer clothes in the winter?
  • Would you rather wear a suit/dress every day or pajamas every day?
  • Would you rather be able to wear makeup and accessories but no clothes or wear clothes but no makeup and accessories?
  • Would you rather have to always dress like you’re from the past or always dress like you’re from the future?
  • Would you rather wear brands but be unfashionable or wear no brands but be super stylish?
  • Would you rather only shop at thrift stores or only at high-end boutiques?
  • Would you rather wear vintage styles or futuristic styles?
  • Would you rather always overdress for events or always underdress?
  • Would you rather be able to pull off any hairstyle or any color of clothing?
  • Would you rather always have to wear your favorite color or never be able to wear your favorite color?
  • Would you rather have a signature scent that everyone knows or a different fragrance for every day of the week?
  • Would you rather have a minimalist wardrobe or a large, diverse wardrobe?

Hobbies & Leisure Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather have unlimited time for your hobbies but no money to afford them or have plenty of money but no time?
  • Would you rather be an expert in one hobby or be pretty good at several?
  • Would you rather paint a masterpiece or write a bestselling book?
  • Would you rather have to sing every time you speak or dance everywhere you go?
  • Would you rather be able to capture every moment on video or never be able to take a photo or video again?
  • Would you rather visit every theme park or every national park?
  • Would you rather spend a day at an art museum or a history museum?
  • Would you rather spend an afternoon building something or destroying something?
  • Would you rather be able to play any instrument or speak any language?
  • Would you rather have all books be audiobooks or all movies be in book format?
  • Would you rather spend a weekend in a bustling city or a peaceful countryside?
  • Would you rather have a movie night or a game night?
  • Would you rather go hiking or swimming?
  • Would you rather take up gardening or painting?
  • Would you rather be able to draw perfectly or cook perfectly?
  • Would you rather have an unlimited supply of books or an unlimited supply of music?
  • Would you rather be a great dancer or a great singer?
  • Would you rather join a book club or a sports club?

Pop Culture Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather have to listen to only Justin Bieber or only Ariana Grande for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather only be able to watch movies starring The Rock or only be able to watch movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio?
  • Would you rather win an Oscar but not get to attend the ceremony or present an Oscar but not win anything?
  • Would you rather host Saturday Night Live or be the Bachelor/Bachelorette?
  • Would you rather meet Oprah or Dr. Phil?
  • Would you rather be a famous rapper or a famous singer?
  • Would you rather be a famous songwriter or a famous drummer?
  • Would you rather win American Idol or American Ninja Warrior?
  • Would you rather tour with a famous band or tour with a famous comedian?
  • Would you rather perform at the Super Bowl halftime show or play football in the Super Bowl?

Family Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather have to switch closets with your dad or only wear the clothes your grandma buys for you?
  • Would you rather be an only child or have ten siblings?
  • Would you rather have a famous family member or be the famous family member?
  • Would you rather have your own family reality TV show or have your own family band?
  • Would you rather be the oldest child or the youngest child?
  • Would you rather have your grandma or your grandpa follow you around school for the day?
  • Would you rather own a restaurant with your family or own a retail clothing store with your family?
  • Would you rather have to do laundry for your family or cook meals for your family?
  • Would you rather eat out by yourself or eat at home with your family?
  • Would you rather take care of all your family’s pets or have no pets at all?

Grossed Out Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather never wear deodorant or have really bad dandruff?
  • Would you rather wear winter clothes all year long or summer clothes all year long?
  • Would you rather cover yourself in peanut butter or ketchup?
  • Would you rather only use dog shampoo or never cut your toenails?
  • Would you rather eat moldy bread or eat moldy cheese?
  • Would you rather have your dog kiss you or your grandma kiss you?
  • Would you rather have terrible gas all the time or burp out loud constantly?
  • Would you rather eat a rotten banana or a rotten egg?
  • Would you rather always have the hiccups or always have big sweat stains under your arms?
  • Would you rather sniff expired milk or sniff rotten eggs?

School Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather teach a class in high school or have your parents teach one of your classes?
  • Would you rather go to school four days a week for 10 hours or five days a week for eight hours?
  • Would you rather sing in front of the whole school or be in a spelling bee in front of the entire school?
  • Would you rather clean the bathrooms at your school or clean up after lunch in the cafeteria at your school?
  • Would you rather ride the bus to school or walk to school?
  • Would you rather have access to the teacher’s lounge or be able to drive a school bus?
  • Would you rather say the morning announcements or be the school sports commentator?
  • Would you rather be a Prom King/Queen or valedictorian?
  • Would you rather handwrite all your homework or use the computer to do it, but you always get one letter grade lower than you usually would?
  • Would you rather get the highest score on the SAT at your school or be the best athlete at your school?

Food Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather eat spicy wings or bite into ice cream?
  • Would you rather work at Chick-fil-A or work at the fanciest restaurant in town?
  • Would you rather be a famous baker or a famous barbeque master?
  • Would you rather eat your favorite meal every day or never eat it again?
  • Would you rather have to eat one dog treat per day plus whatever food you want or never eat dog food, but you can only eat cereal?
  • Would you rather eat steak for a week or ice cream for a week?
  • Would you rather do all the grocery shopping for your family or do all the cooking for your family?
  • Would you rather never eat condiments again or put them on everything you eat?
  • Would you rather be allergic to chocolate or allergic to bread?
  • Would you rather have all your food be spicy or have all your food be sweet?

Fantasy Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather break everything you touch or get shocked every time you touch something?
  • Would you rather be your family dog or a wild wolf?
  • Would you rather be the best athlete who ever lived or the best singer who ever lived?
  • Would you rather live 100 years in the future or 100 years in the past?
  • Would you rather have super strength or super hearing?
  • Would you rather make the best movie ever or the best album ever?
  • Would you rather only be an Instagram influencer or only be YouTube famous?
  • Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
  • Would you rather be the richest person in the world and hate what you do, or have an average wage and love what you do?
  • Would you rather read minds or have read every book in the world?

Future Self Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather have ten kids or no kids at all?
  • Would you rather ride a bike to work or a horse to work?
  • Would you rather go to your dream college and have a lot of debt or an okay college and have no debt?
  • Would you rather die peacefully at 60 or painfully at 100?
  • Would you rather own a coffee shop or a bakery?
  • Would you rather be a surgeon or a college professor?
  • Would you rather take every vacation to Disney World or New York City?
  • Would you rather always have the newest technology or the best food in the world?
  • Would you rather have a mansion or a private jet?
  • Would you rather work for your parents or teach at your high school?

Extracurricular Activities Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather work at a summer camp or lifeguard at a pool?
  • Would you rather join a choir or band?
  • Would you rather never lose a sports game or never lose an argument?
  • Would you rather be the school quarterback or have the lead role in the school musical?
  • Would you rather be good at synchronized swimming or chess?
  • Would you rather have a bad picture of you on the cover of the school yearbook or a good picture of you on the cover of the school newspaper?
  • Would you rather always be first in the school lunch line or always be first out of the school parking lot?
  • Would you rather be president of your student council or the most popular person in school?
  • Would you rather be captain of a sports team or President of the Drama Club?
  • Would you rather be able to play every instrument in the school orchestra or be able to play every position on the school basketball team?

Dating Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather go on a double date with your parents or with your significant other’s parents?
  • Would you rather be turned down for a dance by someone you do like or asked to a dance by someone you don’t like?
  • Would you rather forget the name of a person you’re on a date with or call them your ex’s name by accident?
  • Would you rather get the stomach bug on a first date or run into your parents on a first date?
  • Would you rather always smell bad around the person you like or always say something embarrassing about the person you like?
  • Would you rather date someone gorgeous but unfunny or someone who’s okay-looking but hilarious?
  • Would you rather go on a great date with someone you disagree about everything with, or go on an okay date with someone you agree with about everything?
  • Would you rather realize halfway through a date that there’s something in your teeth or something in your nose?
  • Would you rather date someone really quiet or someone really loud?
  • Would you rather date someone three feet taller than you or three feet shorter than you?

Weird Would You Rather Questions

  • Would you rather have smelly feet or bad breath?
  • Would you rather communicate telepathically or know every single language on the planet?
  • Would you rather run into an alien or Big Foot?
  • Would you rather uncontrollably break into song or unexpectedly lose your voice?
  • Would you rather bounce off of every surface you touch or never be able to jump again?
  • Would you rather have a one-minute conversation with your past self or your future self?
  • Would you rather be constantly sticky or constantly itchy?
  • Would you rather know what your pets think of you or never hear them speak?
  • Would you rather shout all of the time or only be able to whisper?
  • Would you rather be a member of the Kardashian family or a member of the Obama family?
  • Would you rather look like a fish or smell like a fish?
  • Would you rather be YouTube famous or TikTok famous?
  • Would you rather be hopelessly lost in an old town or lost in the forest?
  • Would you rather be chased through a forest by a zombie or by a lion?
  • Would you rather have only seven fingers or only seven toes?
  • Would you rather have everything you eat be too sweet or not sweet enough forever?
  • Would you rather switch your body with your ex or switch your body with your grandma?
  • Would you rather only watch one single movie for the rest of your life or only eat the same food for the rest of your life?

Would You Rather Questions for Friends

  • Would you rather be able to fly or be able to breathe underwater?
  • Would you rather have Zendaya’s 2022 Oscars look or Timothée Chalamet’s 2022 Oscars look in your closet?
  • Would you rather swim in the ocean at night knowing a shark could be nearby or spend the night in a house you believed was haunted?
  • Would you rather have been the oldest or youngest child in your family?
  • Would you rather have six months of spring or six months of summer?
  • Would you rather let a spider climb over you or let a snake slither across you?
  • Would you rather spend a Friday night out with Lil Nas X or Miley Cyrus?
  • Would you rather have to pass out at 9:30 p.m. every night or fall asleep at 3:30 a.m. every night (no in-between)?
  • Would you rather kiss your crush after not brushing your teeth for a week or know you won’t kiss them at all for the next year?
  • Would you rather be brought back as a dog or as a cat in your next life?
  • Would you rather have a photographic memory or the ability to read minds?
  • Would you rather have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
  • Would you rather travel only by train or only by boat?
  • Would you rather have to follow the Rock’s fitness plan for a month or get one of Pete Davidson’s (remaining) tattoos?
  • Would you rather watch only scary movies or only rom-coms for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather sing well and dance poorly or sing poorly and dance well?

Funny Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Would you rather go on a Tinder date with someone holding a fish in their photo or go on a Tinder date with someone who really wants to talk about your natal chart?
  • Would you rather be someone who compulsively laughs during sad moments or who cries whenever someone makes a joke?
  • Would you rather get to go to outer space in your lifetime or make it so billionaires would never be allowed to go to space?
  • Would you rather date someone who hates dogs or who has seven dogs at all times?
  • Would you rather be that couple known for constant PDA or known for referring to each other by especially bad pet names?
  • Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?
  • Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk?
  • Would you rather wear only sequined clothing or only all-black clothing for a year?
  • Would you rather only be able to go on cruises or only be able to go to Disney World for vacations?
  • Would you rather talk like Minnie Mouse when you’re angry or laugh just like Spongebob?
  • Would you rather be in extreme heat in a snowsuit or in extreme cold in a swimsuit?
  • Would you rather be able to eat only Hawaiian pizza or only pizza that’s doused in ranch?
  • Would you rather be trapped in a rom-com with people you hate or trapped in a horror movie with people you love?
  • Would you rather let your mother or your ex create your next online dating profile?
  • Would you rather give up showering for a month or give up the internet for a month?
  • Would you rather get the hiccups every other hour or have to end every sentence you speak with “I do declare”?

Would You Rather Questions for Middle School

  • Make your own bed every day or make your own dinner every day?
  • Drink only soda or drink only juice?
  • Only watch animated movies forever or never watch an animated film again?
  • Be stuck as a tween forever or skip the tween years of your life?
  • Only be allowed to watch Disney+ or only be able to watch the news?
  • Have grey hair or pink hair?
  • Listen to only your favorite musician for the rest of your life, or never listen to them again?
  • Be famous at your school or be famous in another country?
  • Eat cookies for breakfast or for dinner?
  • Stay home from school whenever you want, or never have to clean your room?
  • Watch a movie with no sound or listen to a movie with no picture?
  • Eat nothing but candy or nothing but cake?
  • Go to school all year long or go to school for two hours longer each day?
  • Teach an adult how to be a kid or be taught how to be an adult?
  • Give up pizza or ice cream for the rest of your life?
  • Take pictures of animals or let animals take pictures of you?
  • Drink melted ice cream or a melted popsicle?
  • Be the principal of your school or have the principal become a student?
  • Get no presents for Christmas or no candy for Halloween?
  • Only do chores you hate, but do them less often, or do the chores you enjoy, but do them more often?

Would You Rather Questions for High School Students

  • Get banned from TikTok or Instagram?
  • Get caught starting a rumor or have a rumor started about you?
  • Never be able to play sports or never be able to watch sports?
  • Have your teacher or your parents take away your phone?
  • Be able to only send text messages or only receive them?
  • Play video games or read a book after school?
  • Be the teacher’s pet or the class clown?
  • Have movie day in class or have a pizza party?
  • Wake up early to get ready every day or wake up with 5 minutes to get ready?
  • Be grounded for a month or not be allowed to come home for a month?
  • Have a huge pimple on your face on senior picture day or at prom?
  • Play tennis or basketball?
  • Be super involved in clubs and sports or not be involved in anything?
  • Take an extra math class or English class each semester?
  • Commute to school on a tandem bike or a skateboard?
  • Teach yourself something new or learn it from a mean teacher?
  • Have a few really good friends or lots of friends you aren’t close with?
  • Be in drama club or band?
  • Get a job while in high school or have to ask your parents for money?

Graduation Would You Rather Questions for Teens

  • Take advice from your 5-year-old self or your 115-year-old self?
  • Go on a cross-country road trip with friends or spend a week at a cozy lake house?
  • Go skydiving or bungee jumping to celebrate graduating?
  • Start working full-time or go to college?
  • Not have a graduation party or not get any graduation gifts?
  • Take a year off before starting college, or start as normal?
  • Move across seas or live 20 minutes from your parents?
  • Go to university or trade school?
  • Have a boyfriend/girlfriend in college or be single?
  • Have early morning classes or night classes?
  • Take only online classes or only in-person classes?
  • Have unlimited coffee or take lots of naps?
  • Go to parties every night, or never go to parties?
  • Land your dream internship with no pay, or get a high-paying internship you hate?
  • Be a tutor or be tutored?
  • Attend the same school as your best friend or your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • Work full-time and go to school part-time, or go to school full-time and work part-time?
  • Live in a dorm or with your parents?
  • Have an unlimited meal plan or free textbooks?
  • Go to college for 2 extra years or finish it in 2 years total?


We hope these questions have sparked fun conversations and maybe even some surprises among your friends. These questions are great for planning or just killing time. Feel free to revisit them or add your twists. Remember, the best memories are made with good friends and great conversations.

Looking for questions for a trivia challenge, team-building activity, or group discussion? Arvin is here to help! Arvin can create great questions for any situation. Have a try now!


Would you rather questions deep and juicy?

1. Would you rather know the uncomfortable truth of the world or believe a comforting lie?
2. Would you rather have the power to change your past or see into your future?
3. Would you rather always be deeply in love with someone who never loves you back or always be loved by someone you can never love?

Would you rather activity for high school students?

1. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early?
2. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or read minds?
3. Would you rather always do group projects or work alone?

Would you rather questions for your crush?

1. Would you rather share a sunset on the beach or watch a sunrise from a mountaintop?
2. Would you rather have a dinner date in a fancy restaurant or a picnic in the park?
3. Would you rather be famous for your talent or be remembered for your kindness?
4. Would you rather binge-watch a TV series together or read the same book and discuss it?

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