Topic Sentence Generator

Topic Sentence Generator | Free AI Writer Tools

Easily generate interesting topic sentences with our user-friendly Topic Sentence Generator tool, perfect for all writing projects.

How to use Topic Sentence Generator?

Topic Sentence Generator is completely free and extremely easy to use. It only takes two steps to get it done:

First, enter the topic with specific points and keywords. Then, the Topic Sentence Generator will immediately create unique content for you based on the information you filled in.

Second, copy it with one click and make adjustments tailored to your preference. Once you are satisfied, you can directly use it in your article to share your in-depth thoughts with others.

What is a topic sentence?

The topic sentence is a key sentence in a paragraph that is used to introduce the core topic to be discussed in the paragraph and determine the focus of the entire paragraph.

When constructing paragraphs, we can draw on the organizational structure of the paper. Just like a thesis statement in an essay summarizes the main idea of the entire essay, a topic sentence plays a similar role at the paragraph level. It elaborates on the paragraph’s core idea. The rest of the paragraph will then revolve around this topic sentence, providing support and explanation.

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4 Steps to Write Topic Sentences

Step 1

Write a thesis statement. It should summarize the main purpose and core ideas of the entire paper and set the tone for the entire paper.

Step 2

Carefully plan the outline of the paper and start drafting the topic sentences of each paragraph. In this process, you need to identify the thematic content of each paragraph and think about what evidence you will use to support these themes.

The topic sentence should be more specific than the thesis statement, but must maintain a close logical connection with the thesis statement to ensure the coherence and consistency of the entire text.

Step 3

Develop the paragraph content around the topic sentence and deepen and expand the topic by providing strong evidence, vivid examples or in-depth arguments.

Step 4

Perfect the topic sentence. Although topic sentences usually appear in the form of concise statements, you need to constantly revise and optimize them during the writing process to ensure that they closely match the content of the paragraph and accurately reflect the main idea and key points of the paragraph.


Topic Sentence Generator is an excellent tool that can help you improve your essay writing skills. With it, you will be able to easily summarize the core content of each paragraph in your paper, making the structure of your paper clearer. Furthermore, by using this tool, your paper will be more logical and coherent, providing strong support for your academic excellence.

Finally, don’t miss Arvin, the outstanding AI writing assistant. In addition to Topic Sentence Generator, Arvin has also carefully developed a series of practical writing tools such as Essay Expander, Sentence Expander and Introduction Paragraph Generator. They will help you make your paper stand out, get high marks easily, and successfully graduate.

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