400+ Spanish Captions for Instagram (With Translation)

400+ Spanish Captions and Quotes for Instagram (With Translation)

Why not add a bit of Spanish to your Instagram? In this article, we’ve collected 400 of the best Spanish captions for instagram. Perhaps you want to post photos while you’re traveling abroad, or maybe you want to share some good moments with your mates. Well, we’ve got the perfect captions just for you. So, dive in and pick your favorites now!

Don’t Miss: 2000+ Best Instagram Captions [Free Caption Generator]

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Spanish Captions for Instagram One Word

  • Amor (Love)
  • Felicidad (Happiness)
  • Aventura (Adventure)
  • Sueños (Dreams)
  • Playa (Beach)
  • Sonrisa (Smile)
  • Libertad (Freedom)
  • Esperanza (Hope)
  • Magia (Magic)
  • Viaje (Travel)
  • Amistad (Friendship)
  • Belleza (Beauty)
  • Pasión (Passion)
  • Momento (Moment)
  • Inspiración (Inspiration)
  • Energía (Energy)
  • Alegría (Joy)
  • Reflexión (Reflection)
  • Serenidad (Serenity)
  • Gratitud (Gratitude)
  • Abrazo (Hug)
  • Sueño (Dream)
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Spanish Captions with Meaning

  • Necesito seis meses de vacaciones, 2 veces al año (I need six months, vacation twice a year)
  • Corre y persigue tus sueños. Si no los alcanzas, al menos harás deporte (Run and pursue your dreams. If you don’t reach them, at least you’ll make some exercise)
  • No hay nada mejor que un amigo, a menos que sea un amigo con chocolate (There’s nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate)
  • Algunas veces finjo ser normal, pero me aburro y vuelvo a ser yo mismo (Sometimes I pretend to be normal, but I get bored and go back to being myself)
  • Me gustan los hashtags porque parecen gofres (I like hashtags because they look like waffles)
  • Cuando quieres algo, todo el universo conspira para que realices tu deseo (When you want something, the whole universe conspires to make your wish come true)
  • La vida es bella y hay muchas cosas por las que sonreír (Life is beautiful and there are many things to smile about)
  • Una mentalidad positiva te ayuda a triunfar, piensa bien para vivir mejor (A positive attitude helps you succeed, think well to live better)
  • Escápate de lo ordinario (Escape from the ordinary)
  • Bonita la vida (Life is beautiful)

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hot spanish captions for instagram

Short Spanish Captions for Instagram with Translation

  • De nada —You’re welcome
  • Pero primero, café — But first, coffee
  • Pequeños momentos, grandes recuerdos — Little moments, big memories
  • Salvaje y libre — Wild and free
  • Sin palabras — Speechless
  • Dejé mi corazón aquí — I left my heart here
  • Lo que es para ti siempre te encuentra — What’s for you always finds you
  • Conoce tu valor — Know your worth
  • Ahora o nunca — Now or never
  • Sueña en grande — Dream big

Spanish Captions for Instagram Selfie

  • Gaudí’s genius in every corner.
  • Paella perfection on a plate.
  • Barcelona’s beauty captured.
  • Streets that whisper history.
  • Seville serenades and sangria.
  • Tasting the flavors of España.
  • Flamenco nights and city lights.
  • Spanish siestas are my cardio.
  • Paella and picturesque views.
  • Exploring the Alhambra magic.
  • Barcelona bound and determined.
  • Sunkissed in Salamanca.
  • Lost in the charm of Toledo.
  • Sangria smiles and sunshine.
  • The art of living, Spanish style.
  • Jamón, queso, y buenos amigos.
  • Gaudí’s dreams come true.
  • Ole to the Spanish adventures!
  • Capturing the soul of Seville.
spanish captions for instagram one word

Cute Spanish Captions for Instagram

  • ¡Hola España! – Hello Spain!
  • Yo amo Espana – I love Spain.
  • La vida es bella en Spain – Life is beautiful in Spain.
  • “España, mi amor.”
  •  Buenos dias from Spain – Good morning.
  • Buenos noches from Spain – Good night.
  • Feelin’ bueno! – Feelin’ good.
  • Dejé mi corazón en Spain – I left my heart in Spain.
  • Vive cada momento – Live every moment.
  • Encontré el paraiso aquí – I found paradise here.
  • Escápate de lo ordinario en Spain – Escape from the ordinary in Spain.

Funny Spanish Captions for Instagram

  • Bonita la vida. Translation: Life is beautiful.
  • Pequeños momentos, grandes recuerdos. Translation: Little moments, big memories.
  • Vive cada momento. Translation: Live every moment.
  • No hay nada mejor en la vida que ser feliz. Translation: There’s nothing better in life than being happy.
  • La vida es corta, vívela. Translation: Life is short, live it.
  • La felicidad no está en el dinero, está en nuestros momentos. Translation: Happiness is not in the money, it’s in our moments.
  • La fuente de la sabiduría es el dolor. Translation: Wisdom comes from pain.
  • No hay atajos para llegar a un sitio que se precie.  Translation: There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
  • Escápate de lo ordinario. Translation: Escape from the ordinary.
  • Vive mas, preocupate menos. Translation: Live more, worry less.
  • ¡Vamos! Translation: Let’s go!
  • ¡Hola España! Translation: Hello Spain!
  • ¡Buenos días! Translation: Good morning!
  • Mucho gusto. Translation: Nice to meet you.
  • ¡Que linda! Translation: What a beauty.
  • Estrella. Translation: Star.
  • ¡Perfecta! Translation: Perfect for feminine use, for masculine version use ¡Perfecto!
  • Alma feliz. Translation: Happy soul.
  • Viajando… Translation: Traveling.

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Badass Spanish Captions for Instagram

  • No me detendrás. (You won’t stop me.)
  • Soy más fuerte de lo que parece. (I am stronger than I look.)
  • No me subestimes. (Don’t underestimate me.)
  • No me detendrán. (They won’t stop me.)
  • Soy el dueño de mi destino. (I am the master of my own destiny.)
  • Dejes que nadie te limite. (Don’t let anyone limit you.)
  • Dejes que nadie te haga sentir menos de lo que vales. (Don’t let anyone make you feel less than you are worth.)
  • Drama es despertarse un domingo a las 5:30 de la mañana en lugar de acostarse (Drama is waking up on a Sunday at 5:30 in the morning instead of going to bed)
  • Tu pasado no define tu futuro (Your past never defines your future)
  • No dejes que las pequeñas cosas estropeen tu felicidad (Don’t let little stupid things break your happiness)
  • Mi vida, mis reglas (My life, my rules)
  • No te ignoro, solo te doy la importancia que te mereces (I don’t ignore you, I just give you the importance you deserve)

Hot Spanish Captions for Instagram

  • Hoy es un buen día para empezar de nuevo. (Today is a good day to start over.)
  • No hay mal que dure 100 años, ni cuerpo que lo aguante. (There is no evil that lasts 100 years, nor body that can withstand it.)
  • El mundo es un libro y aquellos que no viajan leen sólo una página. (The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.)
  • La vida es una sola vez, así que disfrútala. (Life is only once, so enjoy it.)
  • No hay problema que un buen baile no pueda solucionar. (There is no problem that a good dance cannot solve.)
  • La vida es un viaje que hay que disfrutar. (Life is a journey to be enjoyed.)
  • Lo mejor está por venir. (The best is yet to come.)
  • La belleza es una luz en el corazón. (Beauty is a light in the heart.)
  • El amor es el lenguaje más hermoso del mundo. (Love is the most beautiful language in the world.)
  • La vida es una aventura, así que vive la tuya al máximo. (Life is an adventure, so live yours to the fullest.)
  • Las cosas buenas vienen a aquellos que esperan. (Good things come to those who wait.)
  • La vida es un regalo, no una obligación. (Life is a gift, not an obligation.)
  • Aprende algo nuevo cada día. (Learn something new every day.)
  • No hay límites para la imaginación. (There are no limits to imagination.)
  • Encuentra tu luz interior y sé brillante. (Find your inner light and be bright.)
  • Cambia el mundo con tu sonrisa. (Change the world with your smile.)
funny spanish captions for instagram


After reading the entire article, I believe you must have discovered the perfect caption that best suits your style. So, select the most stunning photo, pair it with your chosen caption, and turn those moments into lasting memories. And, of course, don’t forget to download FREE Instagram Caption Generator for the most convenient and intelligent generation of Instagram captions

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What are some good quotes in Spanish?

1. Al mal tiempo, buena cara.
2. Más vale pájaro en mano, que ciento volando.
3. Más vale tarde que nunca.
4. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
5. Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda.
6. A caballo regalado, no le mires el diente.
7. Cada maestrillo tiene su librillo.
8. En boca cerrada no entran moscas.

What are some good Instagram captions?

1. Choose joy and spread positivity.
2. Positive vibes only.
3. Find the beauty in every moment.
4. Radiating positivity from the inside out.
5. Happiness is a mindset, and I choose to embrace it.
6. Sunshine state of mind.
7. Embrace the power of positivity.
8. Life is brighter when you focus on the good.

What are cute captions for Instagram?

1. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
2. I’m not a selfie person, but I am a people person.
3. A picture is worth a thousand words.
4. Life is too short for bad vibes.
5. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
6. “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

What should I write in my Instagram caption?

1. Make the most of the first sentence.
2. Include a CTA or ask a question.
3. Add value.
4. Write like a human (not a robot)
5. Draft captions on a separate platform.
6. Use storytelling.
7. Use emojis and have fun.
8. Consider caption length.

spanish captions for instagram

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