160+ Funny Get Well Soon Messages to Lift Spirits

160+ Funny Get Well Soon Messages to Lift Spirits

Thinking about a funny “get well soon” message can be a delightful challenge. It’s a chance to bring a smile to the face of someone who might be feeling under the weather. It’s all about striking the right balance between empathy and humor. We’ve compiled 160+ funny get well soon messages to help you bring care. Let’s take a look!

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Why Sending a Get-Well Card is So Important?

A get-well card is a tangible way to show someone that you are thinking of them during their time of illness or recovery. It demonstrates genuine care and concern.

Whether it’s your family, friends or coworkers, they will definitely feel warm and touched when they receive your get-well messages. It’s a quick way to bring people closer together. We need to show concern often, especially when someone you care about is not feeling well.

What to Write in Get Well Soon Messages

Writing a get-well soon message is an opportunity to uplift someone’s spirits and let them know they are in your thoughts. Here are some ideas for what to write in a get-well soon message:

  • Start with a warm and personalized greeting that addresses the recipient by name.
  • Show empathy and understanding of their situation.
  • Offer words of encouragement and positivity.
  • If you know the person well and they appreciate humor, a light-hearted joke can be a great way to brighten their day.
  • Include a heartfelt wish for their speedy recovery.

Funny Get Well Soon Messages

  • You were always a sick human being. Now you’re just sick. Get well soon!
  • Are you sure this isn’t just the longest hangover ever? Get well soon!
  • We always knew you were a sick puppy! Hope you feel better soon!
  • Don’t worry, even your sickness will get tired of you soon!
  • Get well soon, just not too soon…
  • Get better soon – so I won’t have to feel guilty when I’m making fun of you.
  • They say laughter is the best medicine. So look in the mirror, my friend, you’ll be cured in no time!
  • I hope you get better soon! Until then, pretend it’s 2020 and stay at least 2 metres away from me.
  • I hope you get better soon! Not just in terms of health. Generally.
  • Get well soon! I’m burning my clothes after giving this to you.
  • By the look of you, I’m surprised the virus didn’t have the sense to stay away! Get better soon!
  • Take advantage of all the meals from bed and all the fuss! It doesn’t last long – Get better soon!
  • Now you’ve got an excuse to stay in bed all day. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Don’t make me admit that I miss you! Just get better!
  • How long are you looking to play on this one? Get better soon!
  • Apparently there is rest for the wicked – Feel better soon!
  • I could use some time off work too, so send it over my way when you’re done. Get well soon!

Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Colleagues

  • I know you wanted some time off work, but this is a bit extreme
  • Wishing you feel better soon, mainly because I’m doing all your work
  • Turns out you’re not a hypochondriac after all
  • Hell won’t take you until your work is finished up here, so get well soon! 
  • Maybe next time you can get sick on the weekend? Get well soon! 
  • Look on the bright side, you don’t even have to use your holidays! Get well soon!
  • Work isn’t the same without you… We get so much more done! Get well soon!
  • Get well soon! Rest up, relax and do nothing. So just do what you usually do here.

Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Partners

  • You’re on dish duty once you’re better! Get well soon!   
  • Don’t worry, I’m not planning your funeral yet! Get well soon!
  • I hope you feel better soon, but don’t dare come near me looking for a kiss! 
  • I wish I was the bed you lay on… So I could kick you right out of it! Hope you feel better soon!
  • I love you, but your corpse-like pallor is starting to freak me out. Please get better soon!
  • Being sick isn’t fun, but at least you get to experience my excellent care and attention firsthand. Get well soon, sweetheart!
  • Here’s a virtual bouquet of hilarious jokes to cheer you up during your recovery. Get well soon, my love!
  • They say laughter is the best medicine. So, to speed up your recovery, I promise to tell jokes until you can’t stop laughing. Get well soon, partner!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, darling! I can’t wait to get back to our adventures and mischief-making together.
  • I hope this funny get well soon message brings a smile to your face, even if it hurts to laugh. Get better soon, my better half!

Get Well Soon Wishes for a Boss

  • In all your years, the only thing you’ve managed is to get sick. Get well soon boss! 
  • Work is hell without you managing the team, so get better soon!
  • Hope you feel better soon boss! It’s getting quiet in the office without you shouting at us!
  • Rules are rules boss! We’re counting your sick days too and we’re expecting a doctor’s note when you’re back! Get well soon!
  • Get well soon boss! And do remember this message when you’re looking at promotions! 
  • We’ll all be calling in sick when you’re back. Get well soon boss! 

Funny Get Well Soon After Surgery Messages

  1. You’ve got to stop putting bottles where they don’t belong… Get well soon after your surgery!
  2. So you made it out of surgery? I clearly didn’t pay the doctor enough! Get well soon! 
  3. When we said you needed to go under the knife, we didn’t mean to get your appendix out! Feel better soon!
  4. At least you’ve got a cool new scar to talk about! Get better soon!
  5. Hope you feel better after your surgery, you’re a real CUT above the rest!
  6. Did they manage to locate your heart while they were in there? Hope you feel better soon!

Playful get well soon wishes

  • Hope you get well soon! There’s a load of washing up for you to do.
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, so we can make fun of you again and not feel bad about it!
  • I would wish you a speedy recovery but, let’s face it, you’re going to milk this for all it’s worth aren’t you?
  • Would be great if you could hurry up and get well soon – your cough is really starting to grate on me.
  • Get well soon buddy! I’m having to make extra coffee rounds while you’re ill.
  • If this thing kills you off, what am I getting in your will?
  • I never thought I’d say this, but I’m actually missing you.
  • No rush to recover anytime soon – we’re keeping all your work piled up on your desk for when you get back.
  • I always said you were a sicko.
  • You might feel better if you stop Googling your symptoms

Funny “Get Well Soon Messages” for Your Boyfriend

  • Being sick is not allowed in our relationship contract. Get well soon and comply with the terms and conditions!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery so we can resume our adventures and make more crazy memories together!
  • I ordered a magic wand online, but it seems the delivery is delayed. In the meantime, get well soon the old-fashioned way!
  • I told the doctor to prescribe you a double dose of my cuddles. I am sure that will lead you to a speedy recovery!
  • I blame the germs for not recognizing your awesomeness. Get well soon and remind them who is the real boss!
  • I’ve hidden your thermometer because I believe it’s just a conspiracy to measure your hotness. Get well soon, my fever-inducing boyfriend!
  • I’ve been practicing my nursing skills by watching medical dramas on TV. Get ready for a hilarious diagnosis and a speedy recovery!
  • Being sick is so last season. Let’s upgrade you to a healthier version ASAP. Get well soon and join the “Wellness Fashion Week”!
  • If laughter is the best medicine, consider me your personal pharmacist. Get ready for a dosage of jokes and funny movies to cure your ailment!
  • Sick or not, you still owe me a date night. Get well soon, my couch potato-partner in crime!

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Funny “Get Well Soon” Messages for Your Girlfriend

  • I’ve ordered a special delivery of laughter and tickles to your doorstep. Get well soon, and brace yourself for an overdose of joy!
  • I’ve suspended the ‘no funny faces’ rule until you’re back to full health. Get well soon and let the silly expressions resume!
  • Sick or not, you’ll always be the most beautiful person in the room. Get well soon, and remind everyone of your charm!
  • I hope you recover faster than my phone battery on a charging spree! Get well soon, my energizer bunny!
  • Being sick is not allowed in the contract of being my adorable girlfriend. Get well soon and adhere to the terms!
  • I’m sending you a virtual bouquet of healing flowers and a truckload of virtual hugs. Get better soon, my love!
  • I’ve declared the germs as enemies of our relationship. They better watch out because we’re coming for them! Get well soon, my warrior princess!
  • I’ve enrolled in a crash course to become a certified nurse just for you. Get ready for some questionable medical advice! Get well soon, my patient-in-love!
  • Recover like a boss and come back stronger than ever!
  • Being sick is just a temporary glitch in our perfect love story. Get well soon, my superhero!
  • Sending you healing vibes and a virtual supply of chocolate kisses. Get better, sweetie!
  • I’ve cleared my schedule for a cuddle marathon. Get well soon, and let the snuggling begin!
  • Remember, illness is just a ploy to get extra pampering. Get well soon and enjoy the perks!
  • I’ve scheduled a mandatory laughter session for your speedy recovery. Get ready to giggle!
  • I promise to make you laugh until you forget you were ever sick. Get well soon, my laughter medicine!
  • I’ve ordered the germs to vacate your body immediately. Eviction notice served!

Witty get well messages

  • Can you get well soon, please? You’re stealing my limelight.
  • Hey, at least it’s not chlamydia!
  • Sorry to hear you’re not well! We’re keeping a tally of the rounds you’ve not bought at the pub.
  • Please don’t die, my diary is really busy at the moment.
  • Just to let you know, I’m only being nice to you because you’re ill.
  • It’s for times like this that the universe gave us YouTube and endless cat videos. Get well soon!
  • I’m really sick of you being sick!
  • Thought about coming to visit you but I really don’t want what you’ve got, thanks.
  • Got to say, you’re using up a lot of sick days that could have been useful for hangovers!
  • I asked everyone to sign your get well card, but they’ve all forgotten who you are…

Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Friends

  • Hang in there, buddy! Doctors say laughter is the best medicine, so I hope my jokes can speed up your recovery. Get well soon!
  • Hey pal, I heard the hospital food is terrible. I suggest you get well soon so we can go out and grab a decent meal together!
  • Sending you a prescription of laughter and good vibes. Take it daily and watch your health improve. Get well soon, my friend!
  • I hope this get well soon message brings a smile to your face, even if it hurts to laugh. Get better soon, champ!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery and a free pass to skip gym for a while. Embrace this opportunity, my friend!
  • I can’t wait to see you back on your feet so we can get up to mischief again. Get well soon, you troublemaker!
  • Remember, a good sense of humor is the best defense against illness. So keep laughing and get well soon!
  • I heard you have a great healthcare team, but let me add my expertise in humor to speed up your recovery. Get well soon, my funny friend!
  • I hope this message brings a smile to your face. If not, I’ll come over and tell terrible jokes until you can’t help but laugh. Get well soon!
  • No virus can keep us apart for long. Get well soon, my friend, so we can continue causing trouble together!

Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Family Members

  • Sending you loads of funny videos to keep you entertained during your recovery. Get well soon, dear family member!
  • Mom/Dad, I promise to behave well if you get well soon and come home. It’s chaos without you here!
  • Sick days are the worst. I’m sure you’re already tired of watching daytime TV. Get well soon, dear family member!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, Grandma/Grandpa! I’ll bring over some of your favorite treats as soon as you’re back on your feet.
  • Sorry to hear you’re ill, sibling. But hey, at least you have a valid reason to stay in bed and binge-watch your favorite shows!
  • Sending healing vibes and a funny get well soon message to my favorite family member. Get better soon, little cousin!
  • Get well soon, sister/brother! Can’t wait to steal your clothes and annoy you again.
  • Dear aunt/uncle, don’t worry, everything will be fine. Just focus on getting better so we can resume our fun family gatherings!
  • Sending you hugs, love, and a touch of my sarcastic humor to speed up your recovery. Get well soon, dear family member!
  • Recovery will be a breeze with me around, sibling! Let’s make the best of this time and laugh our way to better health.

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Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Colleagues

  • I heard our boss gave you extra sick leave. Must be nice! Get well soon, colleague, while we’re stuck here with all the work!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, coworker! Remember, the office is a mess without you, both literally and figuratively.
  • Take your time recovering, colleague. We’re enjoying our peaceful lunches without your sarcastic comments for now!
  • Let’s hope your recovery is as fast as your typing speed, coworker. Get well soon and save us from this endless work pile!
  • Sending you this get well soon message to remind you that deadlines can wait, but your health cannot. Take care, colleague!
  • Wishing you a swift recovery and a free pass from any office gossip for a while. We’ll keep the coffee warm for your return!
  • Feel better soon, coworker! The office is boring without your hilarious memes and constant complaints about Mondays.
  • Who knew your absence would make the office feel like a ghost town? Get well soon, colleague, and restore our lively work environment!
  • Rest and recover, coworker. Remember, you’re the only one who understands my constant puns and movie references!
  • We miss your amazing sense of humor at work, colleague. Get well soon and bring back the laughter into our daily routine.

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Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Neighbors

  • Sending you get well wishes from next door. If you need anything, just knock on the wall, and I’ll be there to annoy you with terrible jokes!
  • I heard you’re not feeling well, neighbor. Let me know if you need me to water your plants or retrieve your mail. Get well soon!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, neighbor! Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on the neighborhood for any potential gossip while you’re resting.
  • Sorry to hear you’re unwell, neighbor. Take it easy and allow yourself to binge-watch your favorite series guilt-free!
  • I know how much you enjoy baking, neighbor. Get well soon, so you can bless the neighborhood with your delicious treats again!
  • Sending you this get well soon message along with a batch of freshly baked cookies. Eat them all, and you’ll be healthy in no time, neighbor!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, neighbor! I’m already missing our friendly chats over the fence. Get well soon, so we can catch up!
  • Sick days aren’t fun, but at least you get to nap all day, neighbor. Enjoy your guilt-free rest and get well soon!
  • I hope this funny get well soon message brings a smile to your face. Let me know if you need company or someone to make you laugh, neighbor!
  • Remember, laughter is the best medicine, neighbor. Get well soon, so we can share a good laugh over a cup of tea!

Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Classmates

  • Sending you virtual flowers and a goofy get well soon message to brighten your day, classmate. Get better soon and rock those exams!
  • I hope this message finds you on the road to recovery, classmate. Until then, don’t worry, I’ll take detailed notes for you!
  • Feeling ill during exam season? Don’t worry, classmate, I’m sure your brilliant mind can overcome any setback. Get well soon!
  • Hey, fellow student, take this time to rest and recharge. We’ll catch up on all the fun we’re missing out on as soon as you’re back!
  • Sorry to hear you’re unwell, classmate. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help or entertain you during this time.
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery and a whole lot of luck with your assignments, classmate. Get well soon and ace those projects!
  • I know being sick is the worst, but remember, this too shall pass, classmate. Get well soon and come back stronger than ever!
  • Don’t worry about attending classes for now, classmate. Enjoy your uninterrupted Netflix marathon and get back to us when you’re feeling better!
  • Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, classmate. But hey, at least you can participate in online classes from the comfort of your bed!
  • Take care and recover well, classmate. Just remember, missing out on one party isn’t the end of the world. There will be plenty more!

For Teachers Funny Get Well Soon Messages

  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, teacher! May your grading pile magically disappear and your health be restored in no time!
  • I heard you’re feeling under the weather, teacher. Don’t worry, we promise to behave well and not take advantage of your absence!
  • Rest up, dear teacher, and allow us to wow you with our improved exam scores once you’re back. Get well soon!
  • Sorry to hear you’re unwell, teacher. Take this time to enjoy some well-deserved Netflix binging and know that we’re rooting for your swift recovery!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery, professor. Don’t worry, we’ll manage to learn something from the substitutes, even if it’s just how to spell their names!
  • Take all the time you need to recover, teacher. We’ll survive without your pop quizzes and extensive lectures, but we’ll miss your wit and wisdom!
  • You’re the best teacher ever, and we need you back in the classroom, full of energy and enthusiasm. Get well soon and come back to inspire us!
  • Sending you this get well soon message from your favorite class. Get better soon, teacher, so we can show you how well we’ve been studying!
  • Wishing our amazing teacher a quick recovery and a stress-free return. We promise not to cause (too much) trouble while you’re away!
  • We can’t wait to see you back in action, teacher. Until then, take care of yourself and enjoy a well-deserved break from our never-ending questions!

Funny Get Well Soon Messages for Anyone

  • Sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather, but hey, at least you have a legitimate excuse to wear those comfy pajamas all day! Get well soon!
  • Didn’t anyone tell you that being sick is against the rules? Get well soon and get back to living life outside the confines of the bed!
  • Sending you virtual hugs, get well soon wishes, and a reminder to never underestimate the power of a good nap. Feel better soon!
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery and a kitchen full of delicious comfort food. After all, eating is the most enjoyable part of being sick!
  • Sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather. I suggest watching funny animal videos to boost your mood and minimize the sniffles!
  • Get well soon, my friend! In the meantime, let’s take a break from adulting and binge-watch our favorite childhood cartoons together.
  • Remember, laughter is the best cure. So, I’m sending you this get well soon message to speed up your recovery. Laugh, and the world laughs with you!
  • Take this time to relax, recharge, and annoy your loved ones with endless movie quotes. Get well soon and keep spreading the laughter!
  • No sickness can dampen your spirit, my friend. Get well soon and let’s plan a hilarious celebration once you’re back to your energetic self!
  • I’m convinced that your sense of humor alone can cure any illness. Get well soon, and let the healing power of laughter work its magic!


A thoughtfully written funny get well soon message has the power to brighten someone’s day. Draw inspiration from our collection of various messages to express your love and care.

For more good messages of all kinds, consider leveraging the capabilities of Arvin, our AI-driven writing assistant. It can assist you in generating fresh and innovative ideas. Give it a try today to witness the wonders of AI collaboration!


How do you wish someone to get well soon?

Feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon.
Hoping you find strength with each new day. …
Have a speedy recovery!
I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery!

What is a good phrase for get well soon?

We’re all sending our best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery. You will do more than just get better; you will be better than you were before. May you be blessed with good health and a speedy recovery. Sending good wishes for a fast recovery.

Is Get Well Soon formal?

If you are writing a get well message for a coworker, acquaintance, or someone else you do not know intimately, you may choose to use a more formal tone. A formal tone might include using a formal naming convention (as in “Mr. X” or “Ms. Y”) and fewer personal details.

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