200 Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl in Best Ways

200 Flirty Questions to Ask a Girl in Best Ways

Looking to spark some playful banter with that special someone? Flirty questions to ask a girl can be a great way to build chemistry and get to know each other better. But coming up with the right flirty questions to ask a girl on the spot isn’t always easy.

That’s where having a collection of flirty questions to ask a girl comes in handy. With the right flirty questions to ask a girl, you can steer the conversation in an exciting direction and potentially uncover shared interests or experiences. We’ve compiled some fun, lighthearted conversation starters to help you connect.

And if you’re looking for even more personalized options, Look no further than Arvin! It’s an AI assistant designed to help you craft the perfect questions for any occasion. Give Arvin a try now!

Flirty Questions for Just-Met

  • “What is something you could tell me about yourself that would surprise me?”
  • “If you could ask me any question you would like, what would it be?”
  • “What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?”
  • “What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done?”
  • “Would you ever go on a date with someone you’ve just met?”
  • “What’s the best pickup line you have ever heard?”
  • “How would you describe yourself in 5 words?“
  • “What’s your reaction when a guy starts flirting with you?”
  • “What is your biggest turn-on with guys?”
  • “What is your biggest turn-off with guys?”
  • “Would you mind if I started flirting with you even though we just met?”
  • “What do you think about the fact that you’re the prettiest girl around here?”
  • “What is the first thing you noticed about me? I’ll go first, your eyes.”
  • “How do you feel about first-date kisses?”
  • “What does it take for someone to get your number? I’ll do anything.”
  • “What is the single most important thing a guy needs to do, or have, to make you feel comfortable?”
  • “What do you think is your best feature?”
  • “Can you describe me in five words? Or yourself?”
  • “What was your first thought when you saw me?”
  • “How can you fit me into your plans for this weekend?”

Crushing Flirty Questions

  • What’s the top song on your make-out playlist?
  • Would you rather spend a whole day with me or a whole night with me?
  • Do you scream on roller coasters? What if you were holding my hand?
  • Who was your celebrity crush when you were growing up?
  • Would you be more likely to say yes to bar trivia night or a sunrise hike for a date?
  • What’s your favorite couples Halloween costume?
  • Have you ever been kicked out of a public place, and if so, what’s the story?
  • What’s your idea of a perfect date?
  • What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
  • What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  • If you could kiss any fictional character, who would it be?
  • What’s your idea of a perfect weekend getaway?
  • What’s your go-to dance move, and can I see it?
  • What do romance movies get wrong most of the time?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  • What’s the most disturbing thing under your bed?
  • If you had to watch the same movie every day for a month, what would it be?
  • If you designed your ideal dating app, what would it look like?
  • Which is better: makeup sex or breakup sex?
  • What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

New Relation Flirty Questions

  • What’s your favorite place to be kissed?
  • If you were an ice cream cone, would you prefer to be licked or bitten?
  • Little spoon or big spoon?
  • Do you think Spider-Man’s upside-down kiss in the rain with Mary Jane was really hot or really gross? Would you ever want to recreate it?
  • What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?
  • Which do you like more: good-morning texts or good-night texts?
  • Which would you be more scared of: skinny-dipping at a public beach or wearing a snowsuit on a nude beach?
  • What’s your go-to outfit for feeling sexy?
  • What’s your love language?
  • What’s your most romantic travel destination?
  • What do you do if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep?
  • What first attracted you to me?
  • What’s one movie that you wish could be real life?
  • Do you like surprises?
  • What’s something that you love but you’re not sure why?
  • If you could take off one piece of my clothing, which would it be?
  • Do you ever go commando? Would you tell me if you did?
  • What do you think about right before you fall asleep?
  • What’s your favorite thing about being in a relationship?
  • What makes you feel safe with someone?
  • What’s your favorite flower?

Flirty Questions in Long-time Love

  • Which is sexier: me doing the dishes or me vacuuming?
  • Foot rub or back rub?
  • What’s a funny signal or word we can use to say we want to hook up without the kids understanding what we’re talking about?
  • If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?
  • Can you describe your favorite movie kiss?
  • Do you remember the first time I told you “I love you”?
  • Do you remember the first time you said “I love you” to me?
  • If we recreated our first date, would you change anything?
  • If I asked you to take off one piece of clothing, what would you pick?
  • What’s your favorite thing about being married/partnered?
  • What are you most excited about for our future together?
  • What do you love about me?
  • Can I tell you what I love most about you?
  • What is the best gift someone has ever gotten you?
  • What smell reminds you of me?
  • Lights on, lights off or candles?
  • When did you first realize that you were in love with me?
  • Want to know when I first realized I was falling for you?
  • What’s the best vacation we’ve ever taken together?
  • What’s your favorite outfit that I wear?
  • Hey, how YOU doin’?? (Wink, wink)

Flirty Questions to Spice up the Relationship

  • If you could dip anything into chocolate and then eat it, what would it be?
  • What’s the top song on your sexy playlist right now?
  • What is your favorite part of your body? Can I guess it?
  • Are you more turned on by smell, sight or touch?
  • What is your ultimate fantasy?
  • What is your favorite part of my body, and can you describe it without words?
  • What’s your biggest non-traditional turn-on?
  • Which Britney Spears song would you most like to act out?
  • If you were cake, what kind of filling would you have?
  • You have 10 minutes alone with me, and I can’t say no. What do you do?
  • Shower, pool or hot tub?
  • Back rubs in the front room or front rubs in the back room?
  • What’s your favorite kind of foreplay?
  • Where’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?
  • What color underwear do you think I’m wearing right now?
  • What question are you hoping I’ll ask you?

Deep Questions to Ask a Girl

  • If you could change something about yourself, would you? What would you change?
  • How would you define true happiness?
  • If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
  • Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
  • If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
  • What does spirituality mean to you?
  • Is there a particular book, movie, or work of art that deeply impacted you? Why?
  • What is the most important lesson you’ve learned this year?
  • What are your thoughts on forgiveness and second chances?
  • If you could change one decision you made when you were younger what would it be and why? 

Blushing Questions to Ask a Girl

  • “What’s your favorite place to be kissed?”
  • “What’s the hottest memory of the two of us?”
  • “What physical feature do you find most attractive in another person?”
  • “Lights on or lights off?”
  • “Do you enjoy French kissing?”
  • “How can I keep the physical intimacy between us strong throughout the day, outside of the bedroom?”
  • “Fiery and fast, or slow and sensual?”
  • “What are your thoughts on sexting?”
  • “What’s your biggest fantasy?”
  • “Is the third date too soon for Netflix and chill?”
  • “Have you ever sent dirty text messages?”
  • “Where and how do you like to be touched?”

Soft Questions

  • “What is something about you that people would never guess?”
  • “What music do you listen to?”
  • “What does an ideal weekend look like for you?”
  • “What are your thoughts on long-distance dating?”
  • “How on earth are you still single?”
  • “What is your biggest fear?”
  • “How do you feel about astrology?”
  • “What are your thoughts on who picks up the check?”
  • “If you had to live in a different city, where would you go?”
  • “What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen on a date?”
  • “What was your AIM screen name?”
  • “Tell me something on your bucket list.”
  • “Early riser or night owl?”
  • “How do you wind down after work?”
  • “What is your biggest pet peeve?”
  • “What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?”
  • “Coffee or tea?”
  • “What’s the last concert you’ve been to?”
  • “Do you consider yourself to be romantic?”

Online Flirty Questions to Ask

  • What do you notice in a guy’s online photo at first sight?
  • Do you like starting conversations online or prefer being approached?
  • What would you suggest we do if we had an online date now?
  • Which emoji do you use when trying to be a little flirty?
  • Who’s your favorite online celebrity crush or fictional character, and why?
  • If you could go anywhere for an online date, where would it be?
  • What’s the funniest message you’ve received on a dating app?
  • Got any creative pickup lines you’ve used or seen online?
  • Describe your ideal online date in three words.
  • How do you feel about virtual hugs and kisses? Too much or just right?
  • What do you find most attractive in someone you like?
  • Plan our dream date – what would make it unforgettable?
  • What’s the perfect mix of compliments and teasing in flirting?
  • Share a text or message that would brighten anyone’s day.
  • Is physical attraction vital for a strong connection?
  • If we had a slow dance, what song would you pick?
  • How do you feel about surprises in a relationship?
  • What’s your preferred way to receive compliments?
  • If we were in a romantic movie, what genre would it be?
  • Most romantic gesture you’ve experienced or imagined?

Closer Questions

  • What qualities matter most in a partner beyond looks?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • Soulmate believer, or is love more complex?
  • Name a turn-on that goes beyond physical appearance.
  • Top three essential qualities in a guy and why they matter.
  • Balancing independence and emotional connection – thoughts?
  • What is the importance of shared values in a relationship?
  • Can a deep connection form through online communication alone?
  • What is the role of humor in building a meaningful connection?
  • Explore one aspect of your personality with someone new – what and why?
  • What’s the last romantic thing that made you laugh?
  • If you were a superhero, what flirty power would you have?
  • Morning person or night owl? How does it affect your flirting?
  • If emojis could talk, which one would be the most flirty?
  • Go-to mood-boosting song?
  • If our texts were a romantic movie, what would it be called?
  • Flirty memes or GIFs – which do you prefer?
  • Pizza or ice cream? Can it reveal your flirty side?
  • What would it be if you had a cute, flirty sidekick animal?
  • Share a fun fact about yourself that few know.

Flirty Questions to Ask Her out

  • Up for a spontaneous date this weekend?
  • Have you ever had a date you wished never ended?
  • If our texts were a date invite, what would it say?
  • How about turning our virtual chats into a real-life meet-up?
  • If our date had a theme, what would it be?
  • Ready for a cheeky adventure this weekend?
  • Two tickets to a fantastic event – be my plus one?
  • Impromptu dates: yay or nay?
  • Classic dinner date or a quirky activity – your choice?
  • Free this week for a spontaneous meet-up?
  • Hey, wanna go out with me? Just you, me and food!
  • I hope you won’t mind if I plan a date with you for the coming weekend.
  • Hey, I need help. Would you like to be my movie partner tonight?
  • My heart is filled with love and happiness after meeting you and now it’s time that I make you feel special. So, do you mind going out with me this evening?
  • What are your plans for later this week? Would you like to go for a coffee with me?
  • What are your thoughts on you joining me for dinner tonight?
  • I really like you, would you be interested in going on a date with me this weekend?
  • It’s been a while since we have been chatting. Do you think we can take this a step forward and chat in person? How about keeping it over drinks and dinner?
  • It’s been a while since I have wanted to ask you on a date, so I’d be grateful if you could say a ‘yes’.
  • What are you doing this weekend? I heard candlelight dinners are romantic. Should we go and experience it?


As you use these questions, pay attention to her responses and body language. If she seems uncomfortable or uninterested, it’s best to change the subject or tone things down. On the other hand, if she’s responding enthusiastically and asking flirty questions of her own, you’re on the right track!

Whether you’re on a first date or trying to spice up a long-term relationship, flirty questions to ask a girl can help break the ice and create a fun, lighthearted atmosphere. The best flirty questions to ask a girl are those that show your interest while also revealing your own personality. When choosing flirty questions to ask a girl, consider her interests and the context of your relationship. Remember, the goal of flirty questions to ask a girl is to create a connection, not to make her uncomfortable.

In search of provocative questions for a social night, a provocative team-building exercise, or questions for a stimulating debate? Arvin is your go-to for crafting questions that add a kick to any situation. Give Arvin a try and see where the conversation leads!


What questions make a girl blush?

1 Do you believe in love at first sight?
2 What’s your perfect day?
3 What’s your favorite romantic movie?
4 What’s the quickest way to your heart?
5 Do you get butterflies when you fall in love?

What questions impress a girl?

1 Where is your happy place?
2 What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
3 What are three things that make you smile?
4 What was the worst date you ever went on?
5 What do you like to do on the weekends?

What to ask a girl flirty?

What’s the sexiest place you’ve ever visited?
What celebrity do you think would be best in bed?
What’s one thing you want to ask me but are too nervous to?

How to flirt innocently?

Compliments are a key component of innocent flirting, but it’s important to ensure they are genuine and appropriate. Focus on complimenting the other person’s personality traits, sense of humor, or style, rather than making comments that could be perceived as sexual or objectifying.

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