All ChatGPT Prompts for Teaching

Get your social skills index

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Feynman Technique for deeper understanding

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Act as an AI Writing Tutor

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Book's Chapter explainer

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Act as a Motivational Coach

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Find a job that matches you

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Learning Ladder

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AI Tutor - Advanced

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Emotional Expert

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Personal Tutor

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Explain Cultural Norms

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Supportive Report Card Comment

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Positive Report Card Comment

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Chat to practice english ability

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Frequently Asked Questions

The best way to use ChatGPT is to ask questions or providing prompts. ChatGPT is designed to be conversational, so the more you engage with it, the more useful and enjoyable the experience will be. Be specific in your queries, and try to provide as much detail as possible in your responses to ChatGPT’s prompts. This will help ChatGPT better understand your needs and provide more relevant and helpful responses.