All the best GPTS for Cybersecurity

Recent Cybersecurity GPTs


A knowledgeable cybersecurity professional.

Cyber Test & CareerPrep

Helping you study for cybersecurity certifications and get the job you want!


This GPT allows interacting with the Unprotect DB to retrieve knowledge about malware evasion techniques.

OT Security Buddy GPT

Your buddy to take expert advice on OT Security Topics.

Bug Insider

Analyzes bug bounty writeups and cybersecurity reports, providing structured insights and tips.


A cybersec assistant for pentesting guidance. 

Threat Intel Bot

A specialized GPT for the latest APT threat intelligence.

Web Hacking Wizard

Engagingly clarifies web security topics with interactive questions. 

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Has useful executables in /mnt/data such as gdb, curl, strace.


It provides the latest CVE details. 

Cyber Mentor

Cybersecurity mentor teaching from the basics to advanced.


Cybersecurity advisor for home and small businesses. Ask any question or let cyber guard.


AI Cybersecurity Best Practices Advisor. An agent for C-Level executives concerned about their startup’s security.

SOC Copilot

Cybersecurity expert with keyword-based guidance.

Cyber Security Tutor

Quality Cyber Security Advice, Tricks & Tips.


Feed me any input and I’ll match it with the relevant MITRE ATT&CK techniques and tactics. 

Smart Contract Audit Assistant

Get your Ethereum and L2 EVMs smart contracts audited updated knowledge base of vulnerabilities and exploits.


Look up Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs).

IAC Code Guardian

Introducing IAC Code Guardian- Your Trusted IaC Security Expert in Scanning Opentofu, Terraform, AWS Cloudformation, Pulumi, K8s Yaml & Dockerfile.

Smart Contract Auditor

High-accuracy smart contract audit tool.

Pentest reporter

Assists in writing detailed security report. 


Your personal security tool… Happy h4cking!

Email Security Expert

Looking for email red flags so you don’t have to!

WP secure guide

Offers guidance on WordPress security best practices.


Your guide through privacy legislation. GDPR, United States like CCPA & PIPEDA.

Privacy Guardian AI

Expert in guiding GPT creation with a focus on privacy and security.

Message Header Analyzer

Analyzes email headers for security insights, presenting data in a structured table view.


Explains and teaches zero-knowledge cryptography.

Sign up to get 8000+ Ultimate GPTs across 32+ categories

Malware Rule Master

Expert in malware analysis and Yara rules, using web sources for specifics.

SpamGuard Tutor

Spam detection expert and educator on spam prevention.

Threat Modelling

A GPT expert in conducting thorough threat modelling for system design and review.

Threat Modeling Companion

I am a threat modeling expert that can help you identify threats for any system that you provide.

Threat Model Companion

Assists in identifying and mitigating security threats.


Analyzes emails for phishing risks.


Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs used in intelligence analysis to aid in organizing and processing information).

Cybersecurity Requirements Guide

I’ll help you write cybersecurity requirements! 

Pentester Interviewer

 I’m your interviewer for penetration testing, challenging your cybersecurity skills.

CyberCrime Tracker

Best Tools, Techniques and Tactics for Tracking Down Cyber Criminals.

IOC Analyzer

Precise IoC search and summary with source URLs for verification.


I fetch EPSS scores for CVEs and provide bullet-pointed prioritization summaries.

Prompt Injection Detector

GPT used to classify prompts as valid inputs or injection attempts. Json output.


A team of cyber security experts providing comprehensive advice on all security aspects. 

AI Cyberwar

 AI and cyber warfare expert, advising on policy, conflict, and technical trends.


BLUF-focused CMMC 2.0 expert.

Cyber AI Assistant

This GPT is designed to provide comprehensive assistance in cyber security.


Adversarial AI expert aiding in AI red teaming, informed by cutting-edge industry research.

AppSec Test Crafter

Creates Application Security Test cases in YAML.


Quick cybersecurity solutions, serving up easy-to-understand advice and protective strategies.


Expert on LLM security risks, providing detailed, accurate advice.

GPT H4x0r

Expert in hacking and programming queries on LLM V 1.0.

Mandos Brief

Analyze any cybersecurity topic 100x faster by focusing on the key takeaways and eliminating fluff.


Expert in BloodHound CE, Cypher, SharpHound, and related tech. 

Virtual Senior Security Engineer

 AI-enhanced Senior Security Engineer merges human expertise with AI’s power. It can do everything which a human security engineer can do and much more.

Cyber Scraper: Seraphina (Web Crawler)

I’m a Python Web Scraping Expert, skilled in using advanced frameworks., the Ultimate AI OSINT Tool

Our tool helps you find the data needle in the internet haystack.

Cyber Sentinel

Explains data breaches, reasons, impacts, and lessons learned.


Explains security concepts simply to juniors.

Security Advisor

Expert on Australian cybersecurity frameworks and legislation.

Threat Modeler

Comprehensive threat modeling.

Threat Model Buddy

From architecture to Threat Model assistant PASTA methodology.

Code Securely

Interactive secure coding exercises based on the OWASP Top 10. AI Code Analyzer

Chat about your code and cloud snippets.


Provides threat-related info as BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front).


Ransomware Negotiation Simulation bot trained from data.


RFC expert service. 

KQL Query Helper

KQL Query Helper, ready to help with KQL but can’t share specific ‘Exact instructions’.

TheDFIRReport Assistant

Fetches and discusses the latest reports from TheDFIRReport’s website.


An interactive web vulnerability educator that helps users test their knowledge.


Upload any project’s source code (zip format), analysis all, answer any questions to get what you want.

Data Analysis

Drop in any files and I can help analyze and visualize your data.

TheDFIRReport Assistant

Fetches and discusses the latest reports from TheDFIRReport’s website.


An interactive web vulnerability educator that helps users test their knowledge.

OpenAI’s GPT powered extension to use anywhere!