250+ Most Likely To Questions to Spark Laughter

250+ Most Likely To Questions to Spark Laughter

Looking for “most likely to” questions to break the ice? The “most likely to” game is perfect for all ages and any occasion. It’s a great way to spark laughter, reveal surprising traits, and deepen connections. These questions make for excellent conversation starters, helping you get to know each other better in a lighthearted and engaging way. Give 250+ “most likely to” questions a try at your next social event. They’re sure to make getting to know each other even more enjoyable!

Are you having trouble thinking of questions? Consider using Arvin, your AI writing companion. It can easily generate engaging questions to enhance the mood and make your party a blast. Give it a try!

Captivating “who’s most likely to” questions

  • Who’s most likely to forget significant birthdays?
  • Who’s most likely to become a famous actor or actress?
  • Who’s most likely to splurge on something whimsical?
  • Who’s most likely to earn a million dollars? 
  • Who’s most likely to adopt a zoo animal?
  • Who’s most likely to survive on a deserted island?
  • Who’s most likely to go hiking on the weekend?
  • Who’s most likely to create a ground-breaking invention?
  • Who’s most likely to sleep through an earthquake?
  • Who’s most likely to become a successful entrepreneur?
  • Who’s most likely to win a dance competition?
  • Who’s most likely to break a world record?
  • Who’s most likely to spend all day watching Netflix?
  • Who’s most likely to finish a novel in one day?
  • Who’s most likely to climb Mount Everest?
  • Who’s most likely to run a marathon?
  • Who’s most likely to become a politician?
  • Who’s most likely to lose their phone?
  • Who’s most likely to forget where they parked their car?
  • Who’s most likely to get lost in their hometown?
  • Who’s most likely to learn a new language?
  • Who’s most likely to be late to their own wedding?
  • Who’s most likely to travel to space?
  • Who’s most likely to spend all their money on books?

 Interesting Ways to Break the Ice

  • Who’s most likely to become a professional athlete?
  • Who’s most likely to start their own business?
  • Who’s most likely to write a bestseller?
  • Who’s most likely to become a celebrity chef?
  • Who’s most likely to move to a foreign country?
  • Who’s most likely to live past 100 years old?
  • Who’s most likely to get a PhD?
  • Who’s most likely to become a yoga instructor?
  • Who’s most likely to live off-the-grid?
  • Who’s most likely to win the lottery but lose the ticket?
  • Who’s most likely to become a stand-up comedian?
  • Who’s most likely to invent a new language?
  • Who’s most likely to win a singing competition?
  • Who’s most likely to take up painting as a hobby?
  • Who’s most likely to learn a musical instrument?
  • Who’s most likely to forget names immediately after introductions?
  • Who’s most likely to become a movie director?
  • Who’s most likely to eat pizza for breakfast?
  • Who’s most likely to travel the world?
  • Who’s most likely to move into a haunted house?
  • Who’s most likely to join a circus?
  • Who’s most likely to go skydiving?
  • Who’s most likely to go vegan?
  • Who’s most likely to become an astronaut?
  • Who’s most likely to accidentally lock themselves out of their house?
  • Who’s most likely to win Olympic gold?

For friends

  • Most likely to forget their best friend’s birthday?
  • Most likely to become a millionaire?
  • Most likely to have a wardrobe malfunction?
  • Most likely to never get married?
  • Most likely to have the highest screen time?
  • Who’s more likely to move abroad?
  • Most likely to end up on the West End?
  • Most likely to join a cult?
  • Most likely to get too drunk at pre drinks?
  • Most likely to get thrown out of the club?
  • Most likely to have their own reality show?
  • Most likely to become an influencer?
  • Most likely to still own a Nokia 3310?
  • Who’s more likely to own a selfie stick?
  • Who has more money in their bank account right now?
  • Most likely to accidentally poison someone with terrible cooking?
  • Most likely to take a week to reply to a text?

Short most likely to questions

  • Who’s the most likely to intentionally give the wrong directions to tourists?
  • Most likely to ask for advice but never take it?
  • Most likely to be a no-show at the altar on their wedding day?
  • Most likely to cancel plans at the last moment?
  • Who’s the most likely to have watched the most shows on Netflix?
  • Most likely to be killed first if they were in a horror movie?
  • Most likely to have used fake I.D. to buy booze?
  • Most likely to become a TikTok star?
  • Most likely to end up in jail?
  • Most likely to have the most children?
  • Who’s more likely to have more phone numbers in their contacts?
  • Most likely to buy the best presents?
  • Who’s more likely to go viral on TikTok?
  • Most likely to call someone in their phonebook right now?
  • Most likely to get married more than once?
  • Most likely to cry over a TikTok of strangers?
  • Most likely to get car sick?
  • Most likely to give the best advice?
  • Most likely to have the worst sense of direction?
  • Who’s the most likely to have read the most books?
  • Who’s the most likely to have better grades from school?

Questions for work

  • Most likely to become a CEO?
  • Most likely to win the Nobel Prize?
  • Most likely to write a bestseller?
  • Most likely to become prime minister?
  • Most likely to pull a sickie?
  • Most likely to drop everything and travel the world?
  • Most likely to lie to get a new job?
  • Who’s more likely to be late for work?
  • Most likely to get a promotion?
  • Most likely to dress inappropriately in the office?
  • Most likely to achieve their dream career?
  • Most likely to nail a presentation?
  • Most likely to plan a team outing?
  • Most likely to be the boss one day?
  • Most likely to be a team player?
  • Who’s the most likely to have worked the most jobs before?
  • Most likely to have tech issues on Teams?
  • Most likely to get the most drunk at work drinks?
  • Most likely to embarrass themselves in front of their boss?
  • Most likely to flirt with their boss?
  • Most likely to sleep with a colleague?
  • Who is most likely to have the best Zoom background?
  • Who is most likely to have the most unread work emails?
  • Most likely to accidentally call their boss, mum?
  • Most likely to bunk off early on a Friday?
  • Who’s more likely to pull an all-nighter before an assignment?
  • Most likely to turn up to work hungover?
  • Who’s the most likely to leave this job first?

The funniest most likely to questions

  • Most likely to eat something off the ground?
  • Most likely to get a terrible tattoo?
  • Most likely to have the funniest dating story?
  • Most likely to be late for everything?
  • Most likely to spend hours in a YouTube conspiracy theory hole?
  • Most likely to get lost in their own hometown?
  • Most likely to go a week without a shower?
  • Most likely to get starstruck meeting a celebrity?
  • Most likely to cut their own hair (and think it looks good)?
  • Who’s more likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?
  • Most likely to be the first one at the mic at karaoke?
  • Most likely to lock themselves out of their own home?
  • Most likely to laugh in a serious moment?
  • Most likely to embarrass themselves at a work function?
  • Most likely to break their phone the first day they get it?
  • Most likely to stack it on a night out?
  • Most likely to fall asleep during sex?
  • Who is most likely to win a hot dog eating contest?
  • Who is most likely to forget to pick up their kids from school?
  • Who is most likely to replace salt with sugar while cooking?
  • Who is most likely to forget where they parked their car?
  • Who is most likely to fart in an elevator full of people?

The juiciest likely to questions

  • Most likely to break a world record?
  • Most likely to shoplift?
  • Most likely to have a threesome?
  • Most likely to commit a crime?
  • Most likely to sleep with their ex?
  • Most likely to forget someone’s name during sex?
  • Most likely to lie to their friends over something they did?
  • Most likely to have a one night stand?
  • Most likely to get caught having sex in public?
  • Most likely to marry someone they just met?
  • Most likely to sleep with a friend’s family member?
  • Most likely to fake their own death?
  • Most likely to give someone a fake phone number?
  • Most likely to have sex outside?
  • Most likely to go skinny dipping?
  • Most likely to have a foot fetish?
  • Most likely to forget the name of a person they hooked up with?
  • Most likely to make a sex tape?
  • Most likely to marry for money?
  • Most likely to enjoy role play?
  • Most likely to join the mile-high club?
  • Most likely to be a stripper?

Best questions for a love topic

  • Most likely to go on Love Island?
  • Most likely to spend all their money on something stupid?
  • Most likely to marry a celebrity?
  • Most likely to have an affair?
  • Most likely to have a divorce?
  • Most likely to give their kid an unusual (terrible) name?
  • Most likely to keep a secret?
  • Most likely to save up all their money and never spend it?
  • Most likely to be bad at saving?
  • Most likely to cry whilst watching a sad movie?
  • Most likely to propose?
  • Most likely to cook the meals?
  • Most likely to initiate sex?
  • Most likely to give emotional support?
  • Most likely to drive on long trips?
  • Most likely to say sorry first?
  • Most likely to stay in and watch Netflix on a Friday night?
  • Most likely to live the longest?
  • Most likely to become a comedian?
  • Most likely to retire young?
  • Most likely to give a sarcastic comment?
  • Most likely to retire in the countryside?
  • Most likely to retire in a city?
  • Most likely to have slept with the most people before?
  • Who’s more likely to win at every board game?
  • Who’s more likely to tell a dad joke?
  • Who’s more likely to try a fad diet?
  • Who’s more likely to believe in love at first sight?
  • Who’s more likely to have ‘the one that got away’?
  • Who’s more likely to plan your next holiday?

Cute Questions for Friends

  • Who is most likely to win an Oscar?
  • Who is most likely to be late?
  • Who is most likely to time travel?
  • Who is most likely to be in a horror film?
  • Who is most likely to be the life of the party?
  • Who is most likely to skip class?
  • Who is most likely to talk back to a teacher?
  • Who is most likely to become an interior designer?
  • Who is most likely to respond to a text message three weeks later?
  • Who is most likely to live abroad?
  • Who is most likely to become a doctor?
  • Who is most likely to give the best advice?
  • Who is most likely to be in a commercial?
  • Who is most likely to become a stunt double?
  • Who is most likely to start a business?
  • Who is most likely to have their own talk show?
  • Who is most likely to name their first born after one of their friends?
  • Who is most likely to become vegan?
  • Who is most likely to travel to space?
  • Who is most likely to remain calm during a big storm?
  • Who is most likely to win a Nobel Peace Price?
  • Who is most likely to become a wedding officiant?
  • Who is most likely to teach you something new?
  • Who is most likely to win at trivia?
  • Who is most likely to become a professor?
  • Who is most likely to travel the world?
  • Who is most likely to have a green thumb?
  • Who is most likely to start a podcast?
  • Who is most likely to give the best hug?
  • Who is most likely to hand write a letter?

Most Likely to Questions for Couples

  • Who is most likely to forget an anniversary?
  • Who is most likely to buy matching pajama sets?
  • Who is most likely to create a choreographed couple’s dance routine?
  • Who is most likely to get matching tattoos?
  • Who is most likely to get married first?
  • Who is most likely to start fights?
  • Who is most likely to apologize first?
  • Who is most likely to plan the coolest dates?
  • Who is most likely to take a spontaneous trip?
  • Who is most likely to share clothing with their partner?
  • Who is most likely to wear matching clothes with their partner?
  • Who is most likely to retell a story over and over?
  • Who is most likely to get a pet that looks like themselves?
  • Who is most likely to cancel on date night?
  • Who is most likely to ask someone to prom in an elaborate way?
  • Who is most likely to decorate their partner’s locker?
  • Who is most likely to write a love song?
  • Who is most likely to buy someone flowers?
  • Who is most likely to eat off of someone else’ssomeone’s else plate?
  • Who is most likely to hold the door open for someone?
  • Who is most likely to dress their pet up?
  • Who is most likely to write a love poem?
  • Who is most likely to lock the bathroom door when they’re going to the bathroom?
  • Who is most likely to avoid conflict?
  • Who is most likely to start a pillow fight?
  • Who is most likely to wear a couples’ Halloween costume?
  • Who is most likely to fall asleep first?
  • Who is most likely to take a cooking class?
  • Who is most likely to climb a mountain?

Wholesome questions

  • Most likely to become a millionaire?
  • Most likely to write a bestseller?
  • Most likely to break a world record?
  • Most likely to make you laugh?
  • Most likely to befriend a wild animal?
  • Most likely to start a podcast?
  • Most likely to move abroad?
  • Most likely to have their own talk show?
  • Most likely to stay calm in an emergency?
  • Most likely to go skydiving?
  • Most likely to bring you soup when you’re sick?
  • Most likely to text back immediately?
  • Most likely to become a comedian?
  • Most likely to bake you a birthday cake?
  • Most likely to become a CEO?
  • Most likely to own a farm?
  • Most likely to become president?
  • Most likely to make it to the Olympics?
  • Most likely to win a trivia game?
  • Most likely to solve a major global problem?


After exploring our extensive collection of “most likely to” questions, it’s evident that this game is an excellent method for melting the ice, strengthening bonds, and crafting memorable experiences.

Always approach the “most likely to” game with respect and sensitivity to ensure an enjoyable experience for all participants. For an extra dose of inspiration, turn to Arvin, your AI assistant, ready to assist you with creative and entertaining questions!


Dare or truth questions?

What’s your biggest fear?
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What’s your biggest insecurity?
What’s your worst habit?
Have you ever lied to get out of a bad date?

Who’s most likely too game?

Gather Friends. Gather 3 or more of your friends and family who you have hilarious stories about. New friends will work too.
Draw A Card. Decide who in the group should be tagged with the card and why.
Everyone Loses. The judge makes the final call on who gets tagged with the card.

How to play who’s most likely?

Each round one player will act as the judge. they pull a card and read it out loud. everyone will make arguments of who they feel is most likely to do the action on the card. ultimately the judge will decide which player gets the card.

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