247 Engaging and Funny Debate Topics to Spark Laughter
Debating can be both educational and entertaining, especially if the topics are as amusing and quirky as they are thought-provoking. Debating is a fun and engaging activity that can be done on any occasion. Whether you are at a party, a family gathering, or a classroom, funny debates can be used to break the ice and get everyone talking. Thus, we provide 247 engaging and funny debate topics for any occasion that are sure to spark lively discussions and leave everyone in stitches.

How to Choose a Good Debate Topic
Choosing a good debate topic is important to ensure that the debate is engaging and interesting. A good debate topic should be relevant, and thought-provoking, and should have different opinions and perspectives. It should also be something that the audience can relate to and have an interest in. Here are some tips to help you choose a suitable debate topic:
Relevance and Interest
Choose topics that are timely and resonate with current events, social issues, or areas of public debate. Topics should evoke interest not only from you but also from your audience, sparking curiosity and engagement. This can lead to a more dynamic debate with passionate arguments.
Complexity and Balance
Ensure the topic allows for multiple viewpoints and is not easily reducible to a simple “yes” or “no.” A good debate topic should encourage exploration of nuanced arguments and implications. This complexity ensures that both sides have compelling points to present, fostering deeper discussion.
Select topics that have ample available information and diverse perspectives. Reliable sources, such as academic articles, credible news outlets, and expert opinions, should be accessible. A well-researched topic enhances your ability to support your arguments effectively and counter opposing views with factual evidence.
Ensure that the topic is clearly defined and free from ambiguity. A well-framed question helps participants understand the parameters of the debate. Avoid using jargon or complex language that may confuse the audience or detract from the discussion’s focus, allowing for a smoother, more productive dialogue.
Consult Others
Engage with peers, mentors, or coaches to gather insights and suggestions about potential topics. Collaborating with others can bring fresh perspectives and highlight angles you might have overlooked. This collaborative approach helps refine your topic choice and may uncover important aspects worth exploring in the debate.
By adhering to these five comprehensive guidelines, you can effectively select a debate topic that is engaging, thought-provoking, and conducive to meaningful dialogue, ultimately enriching the experience for all participants involved.
Why Funny Debate Topics
Funny debate topics can be a refreshing and entertaining way to engage participants and audiences in a debate setting. Here are several reasons why incorporating humor into debate topics can be beneficial:
1. Engagement
Funny topics capture attention much more effectively than serious ones. Humor can stimulate interest and excitement, making the debate more memorable for the audience.
2. Lowering Tension
Debates can become heated, especially on contentious issues. Light-hearted topics can diffuse tension and create a more relaxed atmosphere, encouraging participants to engage without feeling overly confrontational.
3. Creativity and Critical Thinking
Debating humorous topics requires participants to think creatively and constructively. They must not only come up with legitimate arguments but also find ways to weave humor into their points, promoting innovative thinking.
4. Audience Enjoyment
Humor appeals to people, and a funny debate can be entertaining for the audience. This can promote a greater willingness to listen and participate, making the experience enjoyable for everyone involved.
5. Flexibility and Variety
Funny topics allow for a broader range of arguments and styles. Participants can use puns, anecdotes, or exaggerated scenarios to make their points, showcasing their personality and rhetorical skills.
6. Building Team Cohesion
Engaging in light-hearted debate topics can strengthen team dynamics and camaraderie among participants, creating a more supportive environment.

Examples of Funny Debate Topics:
- “Is a hot dog a sandwich?”
- “Should pineapple be allowed on pizza?”
- “Would aliens make better pets than dogs?”
- “Is it acceptable to wear socks with sandals?”
- “Which is preferable: cats dressed as humans or dogs dressed as humans?”
Incorporating funny debate topics can breathe new life into discussions, making them enjoyable and engaging. By focusing on humor, participants can sharpen their skills in a fun-filled environment while promoting creativity, team dynamics, and audience engagement. Balancing humor with substantive arguments can lead to a delightful and thought-provoking experience for all involved.
Funny Debate Topics About Food
People have a lot of opinions about food. That’s what makes these debate topics so hilarious!
- A hot dog is a sandwich.
- A taco is a sandwich.
- There’s no point in eating french fries without ketchup.
- Pepperoni is the best pizza topping.
- Peanut butter is better than Nutella.
- Hot chocolate is better than a chocolate milkshake.
- Fruit counts as dessert.
- Coca-Cola is better than Pepsi.
- Round pizzas are better than rectangular ones.
- Ice cream is better than cake.
- McDonald’s is the best fast-food restaurant.
- Chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla.
- Humans should eat to live, not live to eat.
- Chocolate chip cookies are the best kind of cookies.
- Hot chocolate is better than eggnog.
- You should never put ketchup on a hot dog.
- You should never put pineapple on a pizza.
- Macaroni and cheese should be eaten with a spoon, not a fork.
- You should put cereal in the bowl first, followed by milk.
- A corner brownie is better than one in the middle.
- Chicken wings are better than mini drumsticks.
- In a cheeseburger, the cheese goes on top of the patty, not underneath.
- Sandwiches taste better with the crusts cut off.
- You should always taste food first before adding salt or pepper.
- Leftover pizza is better eaten cold, rather than reheating it.
Challenging Funny Debate Topics
These funny debate topics are a little more complex and will really get people thinking.
- Pluto should still be considered a planet.
- Santa Claus’ elves should be paid minimum wage.
- There is intelligent life on other planets.
- The egg came before the chicken.
- Harry Potter is better than The Lord of the Rings.
- The world would be better if women were always in charge.
- It’s better to be TikTok famous than Instagram famous.
- Facebook should add a “Don’t Like” button.
- Aliens are living among us here on Earth.
- Using curse words is no big deal.
- Bottled water is better than tap water.
- Going out is more fun than staying at home.
- Daydreaming is better than night dreaming.
- All’s fair in love and war.
- Robin Hood is a thief, not a hero.
- Darth Vader was ultimately a hero, not a villain.
- Being famous is actually not all that great.
- Superheroes should have to pay for all the damage they cause.
- It would be better to live under the sea than in space.
- Skirts are more comfortable than pants.
- It’s better to be rich with no friends than poor with many friends.
- GIF should be pronounced with a hard G, not a soft G.
- It’s better to be a morning person than a night person.
- There should be a special font to use for sarcasm when you’re writing.
- The morals of fairy tales are no longer appropriate in today’s world.
Funny Debate topics for elementary students
- Save or spend your allowance?
- School uniforms or pick your own clothes?
- Which is a better pet: a dog or a cat?
- Which is more fun? The zoo or a museum?
- Is it better to travel by car or by airplane?
- Do ghosts exist?
- Paper or plastic bags?
- Eat meat or become a vegetarian?
- Tap water or bottled water?
- Is it better to give or to receive?
- Stay up late or get up early?
- Cartoons or documentaries?
- Hot weather or cold weather?
- Would you rather take a test or do a large project to show what you know?
- Should children do chores at home?
- Soda or Gatorade?
- Should junk food be banned in the school cafeteria?
- Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?
- Which is scarier? Spiders or scorpions?
- Hamburgers or hot dogs?
- Would you rather do an art project or play a sport?
- Which is more dangerous: a lion or a hippo?
- Would you rather be a police officer or a firefighter?
- Is pineapple a good pizza topping?
- Which superpower would be better: super strength or invisibility?
- Would you rather have a real Christmas tree or a fake one?
- What is a better place to live: the city or the country?
- Who is the better superhero? Batman or Superman?
- Should kids watch TV during the week?
- Should you have to go to school on your birthday?
- Would you rather have a dragon or a unicorn?
- Cupcakes or cookies?
- Camping or staying in a hotel?
- McDonalds or Burger King?
- Pepsi or Coke?
- If you could choose to be famous, would you?
- Indoor or outdoor recess?
- Would robots be helpful or harmful?
- Which tastes better? Chocolate or fruit-flavored candy?
- Tacos or burritos?
- Should teachers wear a uniform?
- In-person learning or remote learning?
Funny Debate Topics for Middle and High School Students
- Should children be allowed to use social media?
- Should high school students have a job?
- Should schools replace paper and pens with computers?
- Do sports and movie stars make too much money?
- Should children be allowed to get tattoos?
- Do you think computers will ever replace teachers?
- Should kids be allowed to pray at school?
- Should schools have armed guards?
- Should students be allowed to say curse words?
- Should older kids still get recess?
- Are dress codes good for schools?
- Vegetarian or eat meat?
- Should everyone make the team?
- Is it better to always tell the truth or to always be kind?
- Is there life on other planets?
- Would you rather read a fantasy story or a biography?
- Which is more dangerous: zombies or vampires?
- Would you rather write a book or a movie script?
- Play an instrument or play a sport?
- Musicals or movies?
- What is the worst day of the week?
- Is it better to be good at school or good at sports?
- Should students be required to volunteer?
- Should schools teach cooking and sewing?
- Who faces more peer pressure: girls or boys?
- Should cigarettes be illegal?
- Should vaccines be mandatory?
- Should Supreme Court justices have a set term limit?
- Should countries be able to have nuclear weapons?
- Is testing on animals good or bad?
- Is reality television realistic?
- Should parents track where their kids are using cell phones?
- Should rich people share their money with poor people?
- Would you rather read a newspaper or watch the news?
- Do grades matter?
- Should teachers stop giving tests?
- Should you be allowed to use your phone at school whenever you want?
- Is it cheating for friends to do their homework together?
General Funny Debate Topics
These funny debate topics are just as much fun for little ones as they are for big kids.
- All families should have a pet.
- Dogs are better pets than cats.
- Summer is better than winter.
- Candy should be given as rewards in the classroom.
- Clowns are more scary than funny.
- Modern music is better than classical music.
- Xbox is better than PlayStation.
- Football is better than soccer.
- Everyone should make their bed every day.
- It would be better to be able to fly than to be able to turn invisible.
- People should be allowed to go barefoot anywhere they want.
- Fiction is better than nonfiction.
- Everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
- Werewolves are more dangerous than vampires.
- People shouldn’t have to go to school or work on their birthdays.
- It’s better to be the superhero than the sidekick.
- Books are better than movies.
- Snow skiing is better than water skiing.
- You should never wear socks with sandals.
- Monday is the worst day of the week.
- Traveling back in time would be better than traveling forward in time.
- The number 13 is unlucky.
- The person in the middle seat of an airline row automatically gets both armrests.
- It’s better to be too hot than too cold.
- It would be more fun to hang out with Oscar the Grouch than with Big Bird.
Funny Debate Topics for College Students
- Superheroes should have to pay for all the damage they cause.
- Being famous is not all that great.
- Does pineapple belong on pizza?
- Which comes first, the cereal or the milk?
- Are unicorns real?
- What is the correct way to put toothpaste on the brush? Dry or Wet?
- What is the correct way to pronounce data?
- Which way should the toilet paper be facing?
- Can you train a fish to do tricks?
- Is Google a verb or a noun?
- Would you rather have dinner with a millionaire or 10k?
- Is a hotdog a sandwich?
- Is it okay to wear socks with sandals?
- Is it a crime to name a dog a bear?
- Are dreams tv for your brain?
- Emojis are superior communication.
- Dodgeball is not made for kids.
- Ginger ale is the best medicine.
- What is the proper way to cut a piece of toast?
- Putting on your left shoe first says a lot about someone.
- Can you smell the air?
- Can ghosts get scared?
- Why does Uno ruin friendships?
- Should superheroes be allowed to have secret identities in college?
- Are race car drivers athletes?
- Are superhero movies the death of romantic comedies?
- Who deserves to be called the real football? American football or Soccer?
- How steep do stairs need to be until they qualify as a ladder?
- Junk food has just as much nutritional value as healthy food.
- Does everyone have an accent?
- Why does pizza taste better in a square than in a circle?
- Cheerleaders are the most fearless athletes.
- Is peanut butter a wet or dry ingredient?
- Can pizza rolls be considered hot pockets?
- A diploma is not a degree.
- Professors are just professional students.
- Instagram is a valid form of research.
- Reading the syllabus should be counted for a grade.
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Funny Debate Topics for Employees
- Should the office have a designated “nap zone” for power naps?
- Is it acceptable to have a “Bring Your Pet to Work Day” every day?
- Should the office provide unlimited snacks and desserts?
- Is it better to have a company-wide karaoke competition or a dance-off?
- Should casual Friday attire include pajamas?
- Is it appropriate to have a mandatory “laughing hour” every day?
- Should the office have a slide instead of stairs or elevators?
- Is it acceptable to have an office-wide nerf gun war during breaks?
- Should the office have an official office pet, like a mini-pig or a turtle?
- Is it better to have a designated “happy dance” time every hour or every day?
- Is it acceptable to have a weekly “Taco Tuesday” tradition in the office?
- Should the office have a mandatory “silly hat day” once a month?
- Is it acceptable to have an office-wide water balloon fight on hot summer days?
- Should the office have a “decorate your own workstation” competition?
- Should pants be optional in professional settings?
- Should office meetings include mandatory pet therapy sessions to boost morale?
- Is it acceptable to have a “Best Office Plant” competition?
- Should the office adopt a “No Email Day” to encourage face-to-face communication?
- Is it crucial to have a designated “Chief Office Comedian” to boost morale?
- Should the company invest in a professional office karaoke machine?
- Is it crucial to have a “Random Acts of Kindness” day each month?
- Should office chairs come with built-in massagers?
- Are standing desks a revolution or a form of torture?
- Are office pranks an essential part of team-building or just a nuisance?
Humorous Debate Topics
- Mcdonald’s is the best fast food restaurant.
- Summer is better than winter.
- Is it better to be rich with no friends or poor with many friends?
- Which is better? Tap water or bottled water?
- Pineapple on pizza: culinary delight or an absolute no-no?
- Should there be a cap on the number of selfies one can post per day?
- Toilet paper: over or under?
- Are cats plotting to take over the world?
- Is it okay to wear socks with sandals?
- Are silent discos a way to train for telepathic communication?
- Can laughter actually be the best medicine?
- Is it better to have a dragon or a unicorn as a pet?
- Do vegetables taste better when they are shaped like fries?
- Is it necessary to sing in the shower?
- Can you judge a book by its movie?
- Should there be an international day of napping?
- Are robots taking over boring jobs or just preparing to rule the world?
- Should everyone have a clone to do their chores?
- Is it better to travel to the past or the future?
- Do aliens have their own version of social media?
- Is summer better than winter, or is it the other way around?
- Is being messy a sign of creativity?
- Should you be able to eat dessert before dinner?
- Is it possible to laugh without smiling?
- Do video games train you to be a super spy?
- Should your bed make itself in the morning?
- Are all bugs secretly superheroes with tiny capes?
- Should everyone learn how to dance?
- Can you be friends with a robot?
- Is it better to be tiny like an ant or giant like a dinosaur?
Tips For Conducting A Funny Debate
Conducting a fun debate can enhance engagement and foster a positive atmosphere for both participants and the audience. Here are some tips to ensure that your debate remains enjoyable while still being meaningful and productive:
1. Choose Lighthearted Topics
Select topics that are inherently amusing, quirky, or absurd. Funny debate topics can break the ice and set a relaxed tone. Examples include “Should cereal be considered a soup?” or “Are cats secretly plotting to take over the world?”
2. Set Clear Rules with a Twist
Establish the debate rules to maintain structure, but consider adding playful elements. For instance, you could include a “funny hat” rule, where participants must wear a silly hat while speaking, or allow for humorous sound effects when someone makes an outrageous claim.
3. Encourage Creativity
Allow debaters to use creative and humorous approaches in their arguments. Encourage the use of anecdotes, analogies, and exaggerated scenarios to illustrate points. This not only entertains but also makes arguments more relatable and memorable.
4. Incorporate Props or Visuals
If possible, allow debaters to use props or visual aids that align with their arguments. Props can add a layer of humor and creativity, making the debate more visually stimulating and entertaining.
5. Utilize Icebreakers
Start the debate with a light-hearted icebreaker to set the mood. This could be a funny quote, a joke, or a quick game that encourages participants to interact in a relaxed way before diving into the main event.
6. Encourage Audience Participation
Invite the audience to engage by allowing them to ask questions, vote on the most humorous argument, or even provide a score based on creativity. This interaction can enhance overall excitement and involvement.
7. Maintain a Positive Atmosphere
Set a tone of light-heartedness and camaraderie. Remind participants to focus on having fun rather than winning, promoting a supportive environment where creativity and humor are celebrated.
8. Have a Fun Moderator
Choose a moderator who has a good sense of humor and can keep the flow of the debate lively. The moderator can interject with funny commentary or jokes, helping to keep spirits high throughout the session.
9. Mix Up Team Roles
Give participants the option to switch sides or roles during the debate, challenging them to defend the opposite position. This can lead to unexpected and humorous arguments, showcasing adaptability and creativity.
10. Conclude on a High Note
End the debate with a funny summary or a humorous award ceremony (e.g., “Best Use of a Pun” or “Most Outrageous Argument”). This leaves participants and the audience with a positive feeling and a shared laugh, reinforcing the fun atmosphere of the debate.
By integrating these tips, you can conduct a debate that prioritizes fun while still allowing for meaningful discussion. Lighthearted topics, creative approaches, and a supportive environment can inspire laughter and enjoyment while promoting engagement and critical thinking. Ultimately, a fun debate can leave participants and audiences entertained, making it a memorable experience for all.
So, the next time you’re in an argument, consider one of these engaging and funny topics. We hope you have discovered some interesting and funny debate topics for your next debate activity! By selecting funny topics, you could let everyone loose and have fun while exploring diverse perspectives.
For practical debate use, Arvin, your AI assistant, is here to help you brainstorm ideas, provide insights, and facilitate engaging discussions that incorporate humor. The next time you plan a debate, consider these funny topics to infuse joy and entertainment, proving that discussions can be both enlightening and enjoyable!
Are cats better secret keepers than dogs?
Are robots smarter than humans?
Can a hot dog be considered a sandwich?
Is chocolate a vegetable because it comes from a bean?
Are unicorns the best mythical creatures?
Is it better to dip fries in milkshakes or ketchup?
Select light-hearted, quirky, or humorous topics that encourage creativity and laughter. Examples include “Should chocolate be classified as a vegetable?” or “Is cereal a soup?”
Fun icebreakers are excellent tools for fostering engagement and building connections within a group. They help participants relax and create a positive atmosphere, setting the tone for a successful meeting or event. Popular options include games like “Two Truths and a Lie,” where participants share personal statements and guess the lie, or “Would You Rather?” with humorous scenarios that spark conversations.