162 Heartfelt Employee Appreciation Quotes to Show Gratitude
We strongly believe in expressing gratitude and motivating our employee, and we typically have the proper words. To express your real gratitude, here are 162 employee appreciation quotes to thank your excellent employees for everything they accomplish. Use this list of simple yet powerful motivational quotes and messages for employees to inspire teamwork and positivity.
If you’re looking to uplift and energize your workplace through the power of words, Arvin is here to help! Arvin is your AI-powered ChatGPT assistant, a browser extension that saves time and money. Whether you need personalized employee appreciation messages, creative ideas for best wishes, or strategies to foster a culture of gratitude, feel free to reach out.
Don’t miss: 173+ Best Work Anniversary Messages & Tips

Employee appreciation quotes for hard work
- If I sang the praises of your hard work, I would lose my voice pretty quickly!
- Your work ethic blows us all away. Thank you for the late nights, the early mornings, and all the hours in between.
- Thank you for your tireless work. Nothing matches your stamina.
- It means so much that we can always depend on you.
- I thought I worked hard, and then I met you. Thank you for all that you do!
- You do not stop until the job gets done correctly and completely. Thank you so much for your quality and your consistency!
- No one has put more blood, sweat, and tears into this company than you. You are the heart of this operation.
- Your hard work makes our jobs that much easier and more enjoyable. Thank you for always contributing 100%!
- Do not think that your long hours, late night emails, and willingness to help your colleagues goes unnoticed. Thank you for your unending hard work!
- Work is not always easy, but you always make it look easy! Thank you for your grit and grace under pressure.
- The company’s success is a direct result of your efforts. We hope you know how valuable and important you are to this organization’s mission!
Employee appreciation quotes for team work and collaboration
- Thank you for always being a team player. Your selflessness and commitment to your colleagues has not gone unnoticed!
- The team appreciates your unceasing support and unyielding enthusiasm!
- You are the glue that holds this team together. Without you, we’d be stuck!
- Those in the backseat still come along for the journey. Whether you’re driving or a passenger, we enjoy taking this trip with you!
- Team work makes the dream work, and having you on our team makes work a dream come true!
- Your commitment to the team wins you the most valuable player award!
- So glad to have you onboard. We would be adrift without you!
- Your unique perspective adds so much to our team. We are so grateful to have you with us!
- You have been such a remarkable team player and we are lucky to have you!
- I appreciate the time and effort you put into our last team-building activity. Now, everyone’s hooked on Avalon thanks to you!
- Your innovative thinking and valuable insight have given a brand new meaning to our current project. Let’s nail this presentation and give it one last push, team!
- We hope you realise the positive effect you have on others!
- Thank you for always being such a team player in everything you do. The team wouldn’t be the same without you!
- Did you know your colleagues are always talking about your helpful attitude? Thank you for being such a role model to all!
- Thank you for taking the time to always help coworkers when they need help!
Appreciation quotes to employee for outstanding performance
- You continue to exceed expectations. Cannot wait to see what’s next!
- You get all the gold stars. Every. Single. One.
- Slow down; you make the rest of us look bad. But seriously, kudos to you for being so amazing!
- In my wildest dreams, I could never imagine having an employee as hardworking, dedicated, and driven as you.
- Thank you for a job well done, every time. It makes my job easier knowing I can depend on you.
- You do more than just show up; you show us all how it should be done!
- Thank you for stepping up, blazing trails, and leading by example!
- Your incredible attention to detail and hard work is what make you stand out in the whole team. Keep it up!
- Fantastic job on completing your work well and on time. Your hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed!
- We see you for all the late nights you’ve put into working on that sales pitch deck. Now treat yourself to a good rest because you deserve it.
- Whether it’s with their teammates or with a project, the ideal employee is one that never fails to make a positive impact at work.
- The statistics on your latest project are looking promising. Great job on setting the bar for what a successful campaign should look like!
- You have always embodied outstanding behaviour in the way you work. On behalf of the company, thank you for leading by example in the way you work each day!
- You have made a meaningful contribution to the company’s success and have always stood by the company’s expectations. Excellent work!
- Congratulations on securing the account you’ve been working so hard for the past few months! It was an uphill battle, but you made it.
Read also: 200+ Employee Appreciation Day 2024 Messages and Quotes
Employee appreciation quotes for work anniversaries and key milestones
- We want to make you feel valued on this special occasion. Thank you for your continuous contributions to the company and your years of service!
- You’ve been absolutely crushing your personal goals lately. Great work!
- May this little token of appreciation motivate you to work harder in the days to come. Happy employee appreciation day!
- A great employee is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have. We hope you always take these words of encouragement with you!
- The best employees are the ones who always take initiative and go the extra mile even when they don’t have to. Yes, we’re talking about you!
- The energy you constantly bring into the office is contagious. Keep it up, rockstar.
- Seeing you crush your personal milestones and progress makes me lucky to be your manager.
- In your fifth year with the company, we want to celebrate and recognise you today. Happy work anniversary!
Employee appreciation quotes for the simple things
- The appreciation messages you send the team really make all the difference in the way they start their days.
- Here’s a personal note to kickstart your day. Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude; something you embody incredibly well.
- Employee appreciation day is overrated. We believe employees like you deserve to hear appreciation words every day.
- You always make it a point to keep the pantry and shared kitchen clean. We love to see it!
- Your sense of humor is what keeps the team going when during tough days!
- We love seeing the appreciation messages that you give your colleagues on Slack every day!
- Thank you for inspiring your team members to give employee appreciation messages for exemplary workplace attitudes on our Teams channel!
- Game night was such a hit thanks to you. Good work on getting the whole team together and putting your Codenames skills to the test!
- Because your office desk is so aesthetically pleasing, you got everyone doing the same for theirs too!
Appreciation quotes for employees leaving the company
- No one is irreplaceable, but some folks you never want to have to replace.
- We are sad to see you go, but excited to see what you do next!
- Your successor has big shoes to fill.
- Words cannot express how much we have enjoyed working together. We will miss you!
- I hope your next employer knows how lucky they are to have you. If not, then tell them to call me, and I will sing your praises on high!
- You are destined for greatness, and we are so honored to be one stop on your journey!
- Do not be nervous about what comes next. You are going to excel!
- Remember that we believe in you and root for you!
- All the recommendations in the world could not express how great of an employee you are.
- We hope to see you achieve all your goals, both personally and professionally. Here’s wishing you all the success on your next journey!
- It may not have been a long time, but it makes us proud to say that we’ve had an exemplary employee like you on our team.
- “Before you can have great employees, you have to put them in a position to create their own future”. We hope you’ve learned something from us as much as we have learned from you.
- Your efforts in leading the team will not go to waste. Thank you for being a valuable team member in these past few years!
- Your contributions over the years have been pivotal to the company’s success. We appreciate all your hard work!
Healthcare employee appreciation quotes
- You are a lifesaver in more ways than one! We are so grateful that you are our coworker!
- You are a superhero among superheroes.
- Some heroes wear capes; others wear scrubs.
- You put the “care” in “caregiver.”
- It takes a special person to be a healthcare professional, and you are extra special!
- We recognize your sacrifice, and thank you for always looking out for humankind.
- All the patients appreciate your patience!
- Healthcare is more than a job; it is a calling. We are so grateful someone like you answered that call!
- You bring passion and compassion to every shift. Thank you for all that you do.
- Never doubt that you make a difference. This institution is better off for having you as an employee.
- You go through great pains to take away the pain of others, and for that, we applaud you.
Customer service employee appreciation quotes
- With you in our customer service department, I know our clients are in good hands.
- I need sunglasses to read the glowing reviews about you!
- Customers never run out of praises about you.
- Thank you for your unceasing commitment and dedication.
- You always go the extra mile and it shows!
- Thank you for always coming to work with a smile, and never leaving work until everyone else is smiling, too!
- Your business card should say “magician,” because you accomplish the impossible every day!
- You are a master problem solver, and the whole operation runs smoother thanks to you!
- Customer service is often a thankless job, but today we say thank you for all that you do. We see you and your enormous efforts.
- Customer service representatives are the secret superheroes of any organization!
- Thank you for turning grumpy customers into grateful customers!
National Employee Appreciation Day quotes
- Today, we show national appreciation for employees, but every day I feel grateful to have you on my team!
- You deserve all the thanks in the world for your hard work!
- The greatest gift of all is having an employee as spectacular as you!
- The ultimate work perk is having employees as great as you!
- The root of my success is not having employees who work under me, but rather, having a team who is always behind me. Thank you for having my back!
- I wanted to take a moment to recognize all of you for everything you’ve contributed to our account over the last year. Thank you for your hard work, creativity, commitment to our customers, and for being a joy to work with every day.
- Appreciation Day. You deserve it.
- Each one of you brings incredible skills, abilities, and energy to the team and our customers. Thank you for activating your superpowers to make us better. Pure awesomeness. Happy Employee Appreciation Day.
- Thank you for all you do for our clients, both internal and external. Every day I’m told by someone how much they love working with this team, and it’s easy to see why with your dedication, hard work, and creativity.
- Thank you for all of your efforts. It’s a good day to reflect on how far our team has come and all that we have accomplished together. Happy Employee Appreciation Day!
- You deserve all the thanks in the world for your hard work on this Employee Appreciation Day.
- You’re a positive boost to my day. Happy Employee Appreciation Day!
- A great employee is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have!
- Three cheers for you. Today and every day. Happy Employee Appreciation Day.
- Stronger together. Thank you! Happy Employee Appreciation Day.
Positive employee appreciation quotes
- You should hear all the nice things your colleagues say about you behind your back!
- Attitude is contagious, and yours is well worth catching!
- Working with a coworker as bright and uplifting as you is a pleasure!
- Your presence is a present!
- Because of you, Monday mornings are not only tolerable, but fun!
- You never fail to lift my spirits! I am so grateful to call you my colleague!
- Your sunny disposition is a real asset to the office.
- Your positivity carries us through the toughest times.
- I never see you break a sweat or lose a smile.
- Thank you for making me laugh! Your sense of humor is a gift!
- I admire your resilience, level headedness, and kindness.
- We hope you realize the positive effect you have on others!
Employee appreciation quotes for recipients
- If you happen to be the recipient of an appreciation award, it’s hard to know what to say in return. Here are some appreciation quotes that can help you convey what you want to say.
- I can’t fully describe how much I appreciate being the recipient of such a prestigious award, but I am truly honored.
- Be assured that I will continue to work in a way that will make you proud.
- Thank you for supporting me in my efforts to succeed.
- Thanks to my amazing team who helped me pull off this project. I couldn’t have done it without them.
- Your mentorship has made all the difference in the way I approach my work.
- Please accept my heartfelt gratitude. I look forward to another 10 years!
Inspirational employee appreciation quotes
- “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” – Colin Powell
- “No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work.” – Jonathan Sack
- “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney Company
- “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.”– Calvin Coolidge
- “A boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing their own way.” – Proverb
- “If you can’t fly, then run; if you can’t run, then walk; if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
- “I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.” – Florence Nightingale
- “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated.”– Maya Angelou
- “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed.
The vision pulls you.”– Steve Jobs - “The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” – Jimmy Johnson
- “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
- “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford
- “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill
- “The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes
- There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. – Norman Vincent Peale
Short/one sentence employee appreciation quotes
- Thank you for your hard work and dedication.
- Your efforts are truly appreciated.
- We value your contributions to the team.
- You make a difference every day.
- Your commitment inspires us all.
- We are grateful for your exceptional work.
- You are a valuable asset to our organization.
- Your professionalism is commendable.
- Thank you for going above and beyond.
- Your work does not go unnoticed.
If your workplace might benefit from some motivation, try implementing some of these inspiring quotes and messages for employees into your office, meetings, and other settings. If you’re seeking for further strategies to improve your corporate culture, use Arvin today to discover how we can enhance employee engagement through thoughtful and impactful recognition!
If I sang the praises of your hard work, I would lose my voice pretty quickly!
Your work ethic blows us all away. Thank you for the late nights, the early mornings, and all the hours in between.
Thank you for your tireless work. Nothing matches your stamina.
It means so much that we can always depend on you.
I thought I worked hard, and then I met you. Thank you for all that you do!
You have always embodied outstanding behaviour in the way you work. On behalf of the company, thank you for leading by example in the way you work each day!
“If you can’t fly, then run; if you can’t run, then walk; if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”