14 Useful Dating Tips for Men to Unlock Your Charm

14 Useful Dating Tips for Men to Unlock Your Charm

Dating can be a rollercoaster ride for guys—exciting one moment and nerve-wracking the next. Whether you’re new to the game or getting back out there, knowing how to connect with someone can make all the difference. We pack with useful and effective dating tips for men that will help you step up your game, giving you the tools to boost your confidence and create genuine connections. Let’s jump in and get you ready to meet someone special!

Get practical dating tips for men from Arvin, your friendly assistant, to boost your confidence, enhance your conversation skills, and build meaningful connections.

Also read: 154 Unforgettable First Date Topics to Ignite Chemistry

14 Useful Dating Tips for Men to Unlock Your Charm

Make an Effort With Your Outfit

We know that looks aren’t everything and that books certainly shouldn’t be judged by their covers. But, appearance does still count for something and so it’s important to be looking your best.

This doesn’t mean having to go out and buy an expensive new suit! But avoiding the old jeans and crumpled shirt look will help to ensure you make a good first impression. The effort you put into your date outfit will also show your date that you care about their opinion and that you want them to like you!

Don’t Be Late

When it comes to dating tips for men, this is one of the most important, and easiest, tips to follow! The point of a date is to make a good impression and start forming a real connection. Having your date stand around waiting for you to show up isn’t going to help with either of these so make sure you arrive with plenty of time to spare.

Always Ask Follow-up Questions

One of the best dating tips for men we can offer is to show you’re listening. If your date talks about their love of going to live shows and concerts, ask some follow-up questions about what their favorites have been. If they discuss what they do for a living, ask what their day-to-day life has been like, how they get on with their colleagues, or how their work life changed after the pandemic.

Asking follow-up questions shows you’ve been listening to what they’re saying and demonstrates and genuine interest to learn more. This will help to deepen and strengthen your connection during that first date.

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dating tips for men

Try to Appear Confident — But Don’t Overdo It

Give yourself a pep talk beforehand. Remind yourself that you’re worth dating. Engage in a bit of positive self-talk. These things will help you to feel more confident before heading off on the date. Confidence often builds with time, but there are ways to improve it.

When it comes to appearing confident, posture is everything. This is going to offer you a host of physical benefits, including better breathing and better back support, but just as important, it’s going to make you look and feel more confident.”

Think Before You Speak

This is not only great dating tips for men but also a good piece of life advice for everyone. And sometimes, it’ll save a good date from going sour. Before you say something, think about how it may be received. Try not to bring up potentially difficult topics like family, unless they talk about it first. For some people, it’s a sore subject they don’t want to get into.

Don’t Monopolize the Conversation

 Asking follow-up questions is a great way to naturally avoid this. Dates are all about getting to know each other. If you’ve realized that you’ve been talking about yourself the whole time, you’re not going to know if you’re compatible. Plus, it’s kind of a turn-off.

Offer to Pay

Money is always a tricky issue when it comes to first date etiquette for guys. Nobody should go on a date expecting the other party to pay, but doing so is a nice gesture. If you want, you can even say something like, “I’ll take care of our meals if you want to treat us to ice cream later.”

Good date etiquette like that works well since it shows you’re already looking forward to spending more time with them. But remember, if you start feeling like they’re just after your wallet, then they’re not the right match for you.

Get in Touch After the Date

The most essential dating tip for men? If you liked the person you saw, don’t leave them waiting! In-person is best — if you both seem to be on the same page, ask about a second date while wrapping up the first.

If you’re feeling that there’s not really a connection there, a text afterward is appropriate after a day or two of space. It may be hard, but it’s the best way for both of you to move forward and find your real match.

dating tips for men

Put yourself out there 

Finding a partner is virtually impossible if you don’t take the risk of interacting with someone you’ve never met before. 

Perhaps you’ve had your heart broken in the past or you struggle with shyness – whatever the reason for your hesitation, it’s important to get past your nerves and commit to meeting new people.

By its nature, dating is a bit nerve-racking. It requires you to be vulnerable and open to new experiences. But rather than running a mile from it, try to embrace it. Remember that your companion on a date will be in exactly the same boat.

Don’t overthink your flirting technique

Flirting is not always easy, but in most cases it fails when you overthink it, or try “pick-up artist” tricks to impress someone, rather than relying on your natural charms. 

A good tip when talking to someone new (whether online or in person) is to imagine you’re chatting with a friend or family member – this takes the pressure off, letting you relax and be yourself. 

When meeting people in real life, make good eye contact and smile. Listen carefully when they speak, and engage with their stories by offering similar anecdotes. It’s okay to be tactile when flirting, but don’t overdo it – a light touch on the shoulder or hand now and again is fine, but more than that might make them uncomfortable.

Finally, remember the golden rule: if they tell you they’re not interested, or politely take themselves out of the conversation, don’t keep pursuing them. 

Pick a suitable location to meet

While you may think a chic bar or expensive restaurant is an ideal first-date venue, they are not always conducive to having a good time. 

If you meet your date in a noisy, busy bar, you might struggle to find seats or even hear the other person speaking. Fancy restaurants, meanwhile, can make you feel pressured and uncomfortable.

Instead of going for something “impressive”, opt for a place you know well – whether it’s that Victorian pub near your home or your favourite independent pizzeria. Also, remember that you can try something a bit different. Don’t be afraid to suggest a day date such as a picnic in the park or a stroll around an art gallery. 

If it’s in a venue where you’re in your element, the date will automatically go more smoothly.

dating tips for men

Make a good impression

One of the best dating tips for men is to look your best. First impressions are crucial. The first step to making a good impression is taking some time to polish your appearance.

Have a shower, spend a bit of time on your hair, and make sure you wear something clean (and preferably freshly ironed). There are no rules on what to wear on a first date, but it’s hard to go wrong with a fresh white shirt, dark jumper, and smart jeans or trousers. Trainers are okay as long as they’re fairly box-fresh.

Other than your appearance, making a good first impression is about being relaxed, confident and friendly. Confidence isn’t always easy to muster – so if you’re struggling, fake it till you make it!

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Avoid checking your phone

Online dating tips for men include using a smartphone dating app. However, when you’re actually on a date, it’s time to put your phone away. When you’re in company , scrolling and reading messages is a big no-no. Not only can a phone become a bad habit that leaves you less able to deal with social situations, using one on a date also indicates to the other person that they don’t have your full attention.

When you’re with your date, turn your phone to silent and put it in your pocket or bag. Leaving it on the table – even if it’s flipped over – means it’s still within easy reach. 

Don’t come on too strong

It can be tricky to strike the perfect balance on a first date. You want to come across as confident but not arrogant, interested but not nosy, and polite but not old-fashioned. The same balance needs to be struck when it comes to showing romantic interest in your date.

Even if you’re already hearing wedding bells, you shouldn’t be too forward or assume that your date feels the same. Don’t be afraid to give a few compliments and tell them you’ve had a great time – but don’t expect too much. If you want to see them again, ask for a second date, but don’t be pushy if they seem hesitant or simply say no.

The old relationship advice for men about playing hard to get isn’t a rule to live by, but there’s certainly some benefit to holding your feelings back until you’ve got to know a person better.


To wrap things up, dating doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It’s all about being yourself and building connections that matter. By using these dating tips for men, you’ll not only boost your confidence but also make dating feel a lot more natural and fun. Remember, every date is a chance to learn and grow, so keep an open mind and enjoy the journey. You got this—now go out there and make some memorable connections! Happy dating!

With these tips from yours truly, Arvin, you’ll be well-equipped to bring out your best self and enjoy the adventure of meeting new people.


What should men do when dating?

Put yourself out there.
Meet people online and in real life.
Don’t overthink your flirting technique.
Pick a suitable location to meet.
Make a good impression on your first date.
Ask lots of questions.
Avoid checking your phone.
Don’t come on too strong.

What should a man do on a first date?

Make an Effort With Your Outfit.
Don’t Be Late!
Meet in a Familiar Location.
Always Ask Follow-up Questions.
Try to Appear Confident — But Don’t Overdo It.
Offer to Pay.

What dating tips for shy guys?

Ditch the Idea that You Have to Make the First Move.
Learn How to Carry On a Conversation Like a Pro.
Suggest a Date Somewhere You Feel Comfortable.
Build Confidence in Other Social Settings.
See Dating as an Opportunity, Not a Risk.

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